
Play on Lichess using a DGT board

<Comment deleted by user>
What it's Cost 10000 or 20000 or only 5000. making of these type of things is meaning Less as they increase prize a lot it should be free indeed.
<Comment deleted by user>
There is still a long path to walk. For me, I imagine the ideal chess board as an amazon alexa product.

Just turn it on, let it connect to your wifi network, and play on lichess.

I hope someday some maker will dare to do something like this, taking example of what is being done with smart-home products, and create a board to play on lichess without having to do all those cumbersome steps.

We are far of the ideal situation, but this integration is better than nothing, so thank you @lichess and god bless you, you are the best free server out there !
By the way does anyone know what might be it's Cost, if so I would really Like to Know please tell if you know.
Thank You!! :) :)
And I don't think this Captcha is any useful. if you support me on that thank you.

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