
I drew a FM by playing a nearly perfect game!

I appreciate your excitement, but it's hard for people to accurately judge your achievement when you leave out a key fact - both of these games were in unrated simuls where your opponent was playing a total of 10 games without any extra time.

This isn't just about putting your own achievement in proper perspective (and again it's still reasonable to be happy about it). Perhaps more importantly (and what most motivated me to write this comment at risk of appearing to be a Debbie Downer), this is also about showing respect and being fair to your opponent when sharing these games.

But congrats nonetheless.

(Additional note: Part of what inspired me to look more closely at the games was the rather peculiar early move times for your opponent. They made much more sense upon discovering the games were in simuls.)
I could have drawn a FM once by perpectual checks but blew it. :(
@MentalFugues said in #6:
> I appreciate your excitement, but it's hard for people to accurately judge your achievement when you leave out a key fact - both of these games were in unrated simuls where your opponent was playing a total of 10 games without any extra time.
> This isn't just about putting your own achievement in proper perspective (and again it's still reasonable to be happy about it). Perhaps more importantly (and what most motivated me to write this comment at risk of appearing to be a Debbie Downer), this is also about showing respect and being fair to your opponent when sharing these games.
> But congrats nonetheless.
> (Additional note: Part of what inspired me to look more closely at the games was the rather peculiar early move times for your opponent. They made much more sense upon discovering the games were in simuls.)
it was a simul, but i still played perfectly (almost,) and the computer analysis said i played better. thanks for not just saying: "it was a simal, it doesn't count." 'cause i hate people who do that. thank you for not being negative.

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