
I feel like we need to make this clear!

Of course every serious chess player agrees that Magnus is better at classical. People that think Hikaru is better are like people that believe the earth is flat, they will never change their opinion, so better to just let them believe what they want to believe :D
Agree with @clutchnutz Why we are disrespecting one legend because of his stupid fan which is not even a chess player .. (The guy that tweeted is a pro FIFA video game player)
I have an idea... Naka only needs to qualify to Candidates, then ONLY to win that tournament, and then ONLY to draw 12 classical games (based on some Opinions should be easy to do) against Magnus, and then... yeah that's it finally... take Carlsen into the deep waters of rapid and blitz and Win that easy attainable Champion seat. So let's go ;) I mean how hard can it be really...
Pretty long, please bear with me
There is some point in Dimi's post..I would even go on to say that the new viewers coming into chess thanks to Naka isnt guided in the right chess culture as well..For instance, Carlsen put out 3 tweets-one saying Sauron still alive, one a gif where a photoshopped him breakdancing(Leonardo Dicaprio WWS) and another commending Hikaru for his tremendous performance..Now, Hikaru almost went on a rant as to how he would never post a tweet about Sauron had he won and it was totally un-sportsmanly of Magnus to do it..I mean...throughout the entire storyline of this event, Magnus was referred to as that villainous character, and Hikaru laughed at(and thereby endorsed) a video where Magnus was portrayed as an anime villain as well..So I dunno how unsportsmanly that tweet it..Then he kept on saying "whhat" a thousand times seeing that breakdance gif as if it was such a nefarious act by Magnus, whereas in the beginning of every mini match Hikaru had tweeted with gifs challenging Magnus-signalling he was ready for play. I mean Magnus break dance tweet could mean a lot of things-a shoutout to the photoshopper who conveyed Magnus' happiness, a reply to Hikaru's taunt gifs, even a sneaky reference to Magnus' broken back.. And then Hikaru went on to say the most drama-creating thing, he said that the third tweet congratulating Hikaru on the match up was most probably not done by Magnus but his PR team, and he has never seen Magnus say a nice thing about anybody. Yes, he went on to say it, subs of Hikaru can watch the vod from yesterday's(around this time) stream.
Another point I want to say is that somebody asked Hikaru why Magnus got to pick color in Arma. He simply said "Because he was the higher seed"...He conveniently forgot that the higher seed here means higher placed in the tour and not rating..It was only when he was asked(I asked it in the chat too..Partial credit for me yaay) that he said "well for other tournaments there is a prelim round so that makes sense but here it's previous tournaments and having the privilege of choosing for all 7 minimatches because one finished higher in the leaderboard isnt really fair"..Now I understand his point..It makes a lot of sense, even though I disagree with him..It's a very valid point..But the important thing here is that Hikaru simply said "because he was the higher seed" and stopped...
I mean I dont know if such a detailed analysis is necessary but it's just a pointer to show that some of these toxic fan boys are also misguided..A streamer should be responsible and accountable, especially when he is the flag bearer of blitz chess.
Tbh Dimitrar, I feel like this is kind of a point most of us understand. It's similar to what happened before the 2018 World Chess Championship, where there were a lot of people saying that Fabi was going to beat Magnus and Magnus was past his prime and whatever else. I think a lot of people wanted to believe that Fabi was better than Magnus, even though it simply wasn't true. Magnus Carlsen is the greatest player of the modern times, possibly all time. Everyone who follows chess knows that. Hikaru is an amazing player, but he will never overtake Magnus. Blitz chess is a different animal than classical, OTB chess. I once read something by a grandmaster saying that rapid games were usually scrappy affairs, with speed of hand mattering just as much as speed of thought. Also, a lot of people who were saying this stuff were probably the same people who were accusing Hikaru of cheating during the match
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In my honest opinion, OP's first two posts were not in the least either provocative or untrue.... but it does betray your disdain for these new "chess streamers", which I must admit I share a bit...
Listen. Seriously, this needs to be heard. IN the debate over Magnus v Hikaru, this is the most important fact. And it is undeniable.

Are you ready? The truth is....

I Don't Care.
Magnus has a back injury and was on his knees on like a pillow. And he was in severe pain. Probably why the person thought he was cheating, could even be the reason he wasn’t crushing Naka. I don’t see why you’d accuse him of cheating though, he is the world champion, and wins in person WC games, which clearly can’t be done by cheating, Plus an engine would have destroyed Naka, yet they had close games. (An engine versus Magnus is like a 2500 vs a 1000, especially the quicker the TC). Pretty unfortunate that there are trolls like that individual.

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