
How can I find who are my most usual opponents?

Thanks to anybody that answers my question.
Except that it doesn't actually work.

I'm 105-13 up on FOFIVIINIANOS, but we only played 29 games, apparently.

I've been here for years and it's never actually worked. Shame, it'd be a great little feature.
Its 29 games out of your last 1000 games, according to the hover text
To get a comprehensive list of all your opponents by rating category sorted by the number of games you played against each opponent, together with your score against them, do the following:


1) Download the PGN containing all your lichess games from your Profile
2) Download and run my chess interface:

3) Go to Tools/Rating charts
4) Select the PGN file you just downloaded
5) Press Create charts
6) Select the Opponent stats ( ALL ) tab


Here is a screenshot of my all time Antichess opponents generated by my interface:

Lichess's favorite opponents feature only processes your last 1000 games, my solution processes all your games. Also lichess's feature does not separate opponents by rating category, so it aggragates games in all variants and time controls against the same opponent. My solution separates the scores according to variant / rating category.
Thanks a lot to all of you fellows, and specially to Sakkozik. You've really help me.
#4 I've played about 25,000 games... so that's no use to me at all :D
Abella, you are welcome.

To be honest I myself surpassed 24.000 games, nevertheless I managed to parse all my games ( that is parse and make all the moves in every game on the internal board ) in order to compile my capture statistics ( which is an advanced version of the same function ). The time this takes is on the order of ten minutes. For the most frequent opponent stats / rating charts much less is required, you only need to parse the header of the PGNs which has the players, the ratings and the result information. This latter is much less expensive, 24.000 games takes no more than ten seconds to process.

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