

My last couple of games have been terrible. how do you motivate yourself to improve?
i used to think analyzing games wasn't fun but nowadays i actually enjoy it, just make it a habit and it will become natural to you, also use the "find a better move" function its very good
Forget about improving, focus on having fun and you will improve.
Analyse your lost games, especially the terrible ones.
Watch some master games online that is currently being played.Try to understand them and then look for the annotation if possible.That works for me.
Do not forget to look for non chess related reasons for your bad moves. Were you tired, eye strained by your screen, hungry, thirsty, postponing a toilet visit, uncomfortable in your chair, distracted by people, pets, radio, television, phone?
I watched the "Magnus" video which motivated me somewhat. Btw, the weak before Easter I played an annual strong classical round robin tournament ("Master B") which I won (+4, =5). Think I'm gonna watch it again! :D

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