
My best game yet (1051 rated)

Requested a computer analysis and it showed a mind boggling 9 avg centipawn loss.

The game:
Als Schwarz hätte ich zumindest noch Ka7 gezogen.....
Your opponent king can only move to a7 then I am sure you will promote to a queen
Done. Game over.stalemate!
Nice game! I do have one small tip from what I've found through playing this type of english where you fianchetto the bishop. I would advise you not to fianchetto the bishop if you don't manage to get it done within the first 5 moves due to it taking far too much tempi and delays castling which could be a problem if your opponent can open the center and get a rook on the same file as your king. In this game it was of little consequence but it wasn't the strongest move in the position either and would advise you to get into that habit.

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