
What is your favorite gambit?


I'm dubious about this gambit because there's nothing at all that's forced about f3 and I don't think f3 is a good move. It weakens the king and deprives the King's Knight of his best square. Black's bishops look superficially good after move 4 but I'll take white's center any day of the week. The Lempert Gambit reminds me a lot of the English Defense where black also delays occupying the center for a while and I've never heard anyone say that the English Defense struck fear into their heart.

The Lempert Gambit reminds me all too much of stuff like the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit where white doesn't get close to enough comp for ONE pawn and the Lempert gambits at least TWO pawns and that's as black!! I don't think club players should be encouraged to play the Lempert because they're not going to find those double-exclam sacs that are easy to a master. Moreover, the refutations of inherently unsound openings are often quite natural moves and NOT hard-to-find "only" moves.
I don't play any gambits but my favorite to study and play against is the King's Gambit.
My repertoire is almost entirely gambits (sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident). If I could play every game as White in the Smith-Morra Gambit Accepted, I would. I've been studying the Halloween Gambit and want to try it in Classical.
Mostly Evans Gambit as white. Against french I like to play Nimzowitsch Gambit (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.Qg4 cxd4 5.Nf3 Nc6 6. Bd3 and so on. And Benko Gambit as black.
no love for Ng5 main line of the Two Knights? Granted black's hand is forced
the Nahkmanson gambit is the best gambit if your drunk and just want to have fun
@ClemenSam But it's hard to play the Nakhmanson gambit, because everyone is deviating and playing other openings. I tried!

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