
Elometer to test your elo?

2259. That is definitely not my over the board rating (1830). I guess I'm just good with tactics and theory, but terrible at arriving at such positions where there's tactics and theory.
It's not so accurate, though I wish it were :). It gave me a 2391.
My result - Based on your move choices, our estimate of your Elo rating is 2279, with a 95% confidence interval of [2138...2420].
I tried with a bit more time, probably I made many mistakes twice...

Result: 2449

I got 1877, which seems a bit high since I can barely keep above 1800 here on Lichess.

I suspect it probably over-evaluates people who do a lot of tactics practice. There were definitely some where I found myself thinking "I don't exactly see how this move is winning, but this is the kind of move that I'd expect to see in a tactics problem so it's probably the right answer."
Hard to say.
I spent more time on the test than on my games.
However, my result is close to my puzzle elo on lichess.
Probably it rather approaches the over-rated lichess (tactics) ratings...
Do you leave it to others to tell you how worthless you be?

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