
any way to improve you rating?

hello everyone, I am playing as hard as I can but my rating isn’t increasing! how can I improve my rating?
given you low rating you mostly lose of losing pieces for no reason. Major reaso why I lose games so it must be also your problem. You just have spend more time checking that your move is not a blunder i.e you did not miss a threat by opponent push piece to place where opponent can just take it.

far more imprtant than anything else in chess. chess without pieces is kinda hard. next thing is. Quickly go through some master games to see what chess games shoudl look like. I checked one game of yours and yes you blundered a lot. There was hangin bishop for about 3moves before opponent noticed it ans took it. But even before that there was this odd pawn storm from front of you castled king. Those are good at times but not there. But : Reduce amoutn pieces you lose for no reasin is the #1 and it only take being more carefull. Not that it woudl easy so "only" is no indicate of easiness.
1. Thought process
2. Tactic
3. Analysis
4. Training program

days after days, weeks after weeks, months after months, years after years...
You have to select rated then chose your game if it is cause it will not inporve your rating and still not work ask for help or you shoud report to lichess
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