
On the once only phenomenon that is the United States of America.

@obladie said in #1:
> And it is.
> Virtually every race on the planet all living cheek-by-jowl.
> And basically getting along.
> Without that ,this world would most certainly be an evil place for humans.
> American history is stunning...forget the penny-dreadfuls about the so-called "Wild West". Never any such thing happened.
> But the stunningly most powerful nation that this planet will ever see kind of happened.
> Even adjusted for time, America far outstrips even Rome in extra-border total influence.

The US is the most violent because it says so in the news - but in reality it is 59th in homicide rate in the world - and the rate is almost exactly the world average for all countries. But whose seen any news articles about deaths is Lesotho lately? El Salvador? Belize? Yeah that's what I thought;.

The American continent in general has a very high murder rate - however the US is 1/3rd the average countries homicide rate for N/South America - the only major country with a lower rate is actually Canada - on the continents.
i think some of y'all need to get new history books... America truly sucks to live in.. but less sucky than other spots.. if you ever want to experience true depression, oppression and suppression at the same time come visit once in a while.
Kinda depends a lot where you live, there's really terrible spots in inner cities and dumb back water hick towns in the midwest

And there's also amazing rainforests and mountains that are some of the nicest places in the world.
America is not above the rest, it also has its faults, which cannot be overlooked

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #2:
> But you say, we should all become slaves to the corporate America?

Certainly, America has some strange views on world events. We should not only listen to it.
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I have some guests coming to visit this weekend so I have limited time to post. The U.S. certainly has its faults and, in general, tries to correct them and make amends when it has made mistakes or committed wrongs. Presently it's a leader in many respects, but who can predict how long its influence will last? Nevertheless, if you'd like to have an accurate grasp of its impact in the world in recent history, these links from the World Health Organization and the BBC may help.

My parents came to this country as immigrants and were welcomed, even though they looked different and had a different culture. I'll always be grateful for the kindness and generosity of the American people and the opportunities available here. If you have a chance to visit, take it and see first-hand what it's like here! Again, the U.S. is far from perfect, but I wouldn't trade living here for anywhere else. Except maybe Switzerland. I can always be tempted by Swiss chocolate :)
@obladie I know it's not the right forum to talk about the matter but I am interested in radioactive decay. I'm a class 10 student so I don't have enough resources to consult and gain knowledge about the topic. I'm interested in beta plus and beta minus decay where the neutron changes into a proton and releases anti neutrino and positron and just opposite in beta minus i.e, extra proton changes to neutron. I can be wrong so that's why I want to know more about it means how the different flavours of quarks affect the charge like two up and a down quark can make a proton and a up and two down quark can make a neutron etc etc. I want to know more so can you kindly explain me!?
Quantum chromodynamics. It's about various types of quark. Sorry, lactose intolerant pincushions. Go right ahead. Ogle it. It's blue.
@obladie said in #1:
> And it is.
> Virtually every race on the planet all living cheek-by-jowl.
There is only 1. Human.

> And basically getting along.
Eh, debatable.

> Without that ,this world would most certainly be an evil place for humans.
It is both a wonderful and evil world for humans, regardless if people from different nationalities get along.

> American history is stunning...forget the penny-dreadfuls about the so-called "Wild West". Never any such thing happened.
Many countries have stunning history.

> But the stunningly most powerful nation that this planet will ever see kind of happened.
If you compare it to ancient civilizations, of course, technology is available now. But relative to their time, i doubt.
Now, humanity will eventually unite. So i dont think your statement is accurate.

> Even adjusted for time, America far outstrips even Rome in extra-border total influence.
The mongols had at least 3 times the size of rome.

> Just accept the pax americani and live safe from those who seek to kill you in order only to enrich themselves.
@rachel8 said in #16:
>The U.S. certainly has its faults and, in general, tries to correct them and make amends when it has made mistakes or committed wrongs.
For instance, abortion laws were a mistake, so they are repelling them.
School shootings are not an issue at all so let's continue business as usual.
The invasion of Iraq was totally justified, the proofs that there were mass destruction weapon were not fake, and it had nothing to do with preserving the interests of oil companies, so there isn't any amend to be made towards Iraqis, is there?
Or towards Chile for putting Pinochet in power.
Or towards Nicaragua for violating the international law and then withdrawing from the International Court of Justice after they ruled against US.

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