
Lichess v2 appreciation thread

I have an old Android on my phone and cannot update Chrome past version 42 so thanks to V2 no more Lichess on mobile for me.
Too many complaints...
Give the new version a few days.
Users like @robbomoon are right , it is a sad situation.
I like the new version indeed. If you have an old browser or O/S you should update anyway.
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This new version looks cool and in particular making boars almost fullboard is now really easy. Haters hate but they woudl hate anything

Clerar improvement
The lichess developers decided that mobile design was appropriate for the desktop browser. That's why everything keys off the board size. That's why all the font sizes are out of whack: they make sense for a small-screen mobile device, they don't make sense for a browser.

The problem is that mobile design principles don't work for the dektop and vice versa. Look at the rest of your open tabs - how many use this kind of design? In my case: 0 (and i have a ton of open tabs).
nice new design , happy to saw lisible clock into analyse mode
easy to modulate sise of chess board

seems a perfect job.
hated it at first, but its quickly grown on me. just needed to resize the board i think.
Thank you for making the site responsive.
It's easier for me to study chess having and e-book on the right and lichess on the left.

Thank you lichess team! (y)
Keep up the good work.

Lichess v2 looking sharp:

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