
Can you name more plane crashes than me?

@salmon_rushdie said in #11:
> A horse is going to eat your brains and use your knowledge of plane crashes to better ability than you

I wonder which future-predicting bird told you that. Btw, I have no brains for da horsey to eat. May I ask a question? Which breed horse does your future-predicting bird think will eat my head?
@ThisUsernameIsNotFun said in #31:
> I wonder which future-predicting bird told you that. Btw, I have no brains for da horsey to eat. May I ask a question? Which breed horse does your future-predicting bird think will eat my head?
T'was a stellar jay! And it changed its mind already, it says it already tasted a hair and found it to its liking.

Of course everything the stellar jay likes, Sir Timothy Wimsolblot - our Clydesdale in question - does not.

So you are in the safe, for now.

Luck of the bird be at your back!
@salmon_rushdie said in #32:
> T'was a stellar jay! And it changed its mind already, it says it already tasted a hair and found it to its liking.
> Of course everything the stellar jay likes, Sir Timothy Wimsolblot - our Clydesdale in question - does not.
> So you are in the safe, for now.
> Luck of the bird be at your back!

Aaaaah thank you! Give the bird my most heartfelt thanks. Also, tell him that he can come over to my house and eat my hair as much as he wants
@ThisUsernameIsNotFun said in #33:
> Aaaaah thank you! Give the bird my most heartfelt thanks. Also, tell him that he can come over to my house and eat my hair as much as he wants
Your other thread got deleted before the word of the bird could be heard :3

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