
Carlsen just missed tons of wins. Comps were even showing forced mate.

This is getting almost bizarre at this point. Carlsen is just so off his game for some reason. Computers were calculating positions to mate, no-computer commentators were finding the wins easily, Carlsen drew. Kind of a travesty of a world championship match, but I guess it certainly has excitement.
The last thing I expected Carlsen to do was blunder away that endgame.... I'm no expert (wouldn't have been able to convert that in 1.5 mins that MC had) but isn't that the sort of endgame GMs are supposed to know inside out? I'm VERY surprised (though very annoyed at the comments on chess24 "There's mate in 26!!! How can Carlsen not see it?!"..... you are looking at a computer, not calculating it yourself. Commenters, ask yourselves this: would you be able to find the mate in 26 in that time? I think not.

Sorry, had to vent. I know there are always people spraying computer lines around in chat.
Carlson was 75% with lots of extra time. Why didn't he just beat Karjakin on time.

btw ...What was the time incremental ?
I still feel like Magnus should see 73.Be6+! It is an easy idea if you ask me, only need to see 3 moves ahead and not 26
my favorite part was when people were going crazy in the very final moves after h5 etc. in any case maybe carlsen should start believing in fortresses after this world championship :o
The time control is 25 10 for the rapids. If we get to the blitz mini matches they're 5 3.
@LM OhNoMyPants Is this the first time we're seeing rapids and blitz used as a tiebreak at this high of a level?

Maybe these guys will wind up looking back and hoping they drew one or two less of those games during the match. They have to put it on the line at some point, and now they have to do it in relatively unfamiliar territory.

All of the nuts on a few 5 3 games in the end? Crazy.

As an aside, FIDE seems to be growing more and more fond of the 25+10 and 5+3 time control. Just a thought as the current standards are 15+10 and 3+2 for rapid and blitz, respectfully.
They had to resort to an identical tiebreak in in the Kramnik-Topalov 2006 world championship match so it's definitely not the first time.

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