
Does anyone knoe the name of this checkmate?


I'm trying to find a certain kind of famous checkmate i read in a random book very long ago...

The problem is: I kind don't remember how it is done. I just know it happened when the opponent didn't castle and you castled on the queen side, then you would get on a position with a queen on d3, a bishop on d2 and a rook on d1, and the opponent had his king still on e8 (or all switched if you are playing black of course)
Then you would play Qd8+ and the only option was to take with the king, followed by Ba5+ checking with both the rook and the bishop, the only option would be then to go back to e8 and then the checkmate went with rd8# because the opponent's king wouldn't have squares to go to for some reason...

This is the only thing I remember, I don't remember any examples of variant traps which lead to that neither the name of this type of checkmate...

Does anyone know how is it called?
Actually rather the Opera mate, although the Reti one was played actually.
Rather the Opera mate, although the Reti one was played actually.
Nice game. Embarrassing for Tartakower though, being +mated after only 11 moves.
@Sarg0n , yes, the opera mate you're right.
I was talking about the game you gave as an example, not about #1.

In Réti's mate, it is the bishop that gives checkmate, not the rook.

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