
Black Lives Matter

@SavageAntarctican People are robbed, their cars are burned, their shops are wasted and in the background there are tables with the inscription "black lives matter". I don't think it is not political - It's super political.
Nowadays, anti-white politics pervades every facet of life, even a free chess website which is supposedly non-political. It is impossible to avoid it, as every single university, tv show, movie, website, game, you-name-it has a clear anti-white message. Then they wonder why the white youth is getting "radicalized"...

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" is an evil "racist" "neo-nazi" "white supremacist" phrase, but "Black Lives Matter" is about equality... yeah right.

1 black criminal is unjustly killed by the police, the officers involved are immediately punished accordingly, and this somehow justifies riots, burnings, violence and protests amid a pandemic. Meanwhile countless of innocent white people are killed by blacks every year and nobody cares.
Disappointed, Id prefer if my chess website was the only place I could find distraction from this messed up world, I suppose not.
i mean, i think it's kinda political, i just never understood why everything has to be apolitical nowadays..., so i don't mind
It is odd to say that this is not political. To support the BLM movement implies that you believe that Black lives are being valued less by the police in the US. There is no evidence of this. More white people are killed by the police than black people. And yes, more black people are killed by the cops compared to their proportion in the population but can you really ignore that black people just have far more interactions with cops because there is far more crime in black neighborhoods.

To Support BLM is to say clearly that the police in the US is racist and that is a political statement and one that there is no evidence for. Would appreciate lichess steering clear of this stuff.
@Bob-Bobson #250 Well some people say that more blacks are killed by whites than whites by blacks. I can't find many stats about it, so I'm not suppirting either side on crime...

"It is impossible to avoid it, as every single university, tv show, movie, website, game, you-name-it has a clear anti-white message. Then they wonder why the white youth is getting "radicalized"...". What do you mean? There is no anti-white message anywhere. You are just bringing up radical ideas yourself...

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