
What is your favourite animal?

@Midfield_17-D said in #6:
> A dragon
> But if a pet a snake then
@Divena013 said in #1:
> I like Dogs what about you?
@Oportunist said in #2:
> On the top of the list i like cats and lions,After that i like certain kind of dogs,especially german shephard,french bulldogs and doberman and boxer dogs,i know its wrong to say this kind of dog is better than others but i dont hate other kind of dogs so its ok
@Aoza said in #3:
> You may know it, but it's Homo sapiens.
@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #4:
> Dogs are my fav!!!
@RishikaPlaysChess said in #5:
> Pet rock.
@Oportunist said in #7:
> comodo dragon?or dragons in myhology is your favourite?,did you have snake pets ? or still have?can you have close relationships with snakes if you have them as a pet?do they ever attack you,if they dont attack you,do they ever attack strangers like guests in your house?
@ThisUsernameIsNotFun said in #8:
> Cats, pandas, wolves and donkeys and cats and dogs and dragons
@tomfinney said in #9:
> tardigrades deserve a mention , the extremes they can survive in are incredible
@ANUHAS_DHARANA_2010 said in #10:
> My pet is chess knight.
evryones is a best,good opinin in my opinion get it anybody thats gets it follow me then unfollow me
the chessboard. chessboard is very calm, do not dirty the carpet, you can walk him or leave it inside as you wish, the chessboard is inexpensive, there is no need to feed him. the only effort is to push the wood
(For more information, Ask @mrpushwood, his Book how to tame a chessboard is avaible on all bad library, unlimited stock)
@CSKA_Moscou said in #13:
> the chessboard. chessboard is very calm, do not dirty the carpet, you can walk him or leave it inside as you wish, the chessboard is inexpensive, there is no need to feed him. the only effort is to push the wood
> (For more information, Ask @mrpushwood, his Book how to tame a chessboard is avaible on all bad library, unlimited stock)
yes very much true

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