
Computer regressed?

Hello staff,

It seems to me that lately the computer is playing much worse.
Before, I was struggling to beat him at level 5 unless I tried hard, but now I notice that he has too many mistakes.
But what's going on?
See for example this match:

ReTestone (Vittorio)
Lila -- the lichess server -- is open source, so you can always check the code commit history to see what's going on. On the surface it doesn't look like any major closed pull requests could explain the AI playing differently:

Here are all the open issues with the keyword search "AI". If there's a bug it's almost certainly dependant on the AI level but I don't see anything for level 5 already reported:
@ReTestone The way it looks like these engines are coded is that they have a chance of making a blunder. Sure, the rstings are somewhat disparate (and disproportionate) at times, but the general trend is that there is a chance of a blunder (and maybe a chance of a random move at lower levels, but I'm not fully sure). Hence, it is even possible to beat stockfish lvl 8 in atomic with just a little more than basic knowledge of the game:

I tested it out and it seems to be happening like 10-20% of the time where sf8 plays 4. Nc3??

In fact, my theory about how the engine levels are coded is through this sort of "experiment".
Oh really? I will see and test it now. Might even try stock fish level 8... ( i suck )
Yeah I just won to it. Too weak. Even if I give them a free rook, they just ignore and does a very bad move ( at least, I think so )
Also, when I tried stock fish level 6, it doesn’t win when they can. Instead they just do another move . I think contacting lichess is the best move now. It just gets worse and worse. It could also just be someone asking lichess to make the A.I play worse than before ( they might’ve lost to a stock fish level 1 )

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