
Checkmated by King and Bishop

I can't believe this... Mindlessly playing Lvl 5 AI during a Work Break, thought I had an easy win and just la - la - la, pushing pawns... when I got checkmated by a lone King and Bishop....

Oh my god....

T_T I had to share this, it's really embarrassing.

Thanks for sharing, whenever someone complains about losing on time with the opponent just having King and Bishop left I can point to this thread. :)
Well, managed to produce something very stupid + beautiful at once.

My blunders are just dumb but w/o any elegance. Dumb queen hangs, tricks..
The trick if you don't know what your doing is to just to check the enemy king.
Where are the guys who claim a lone minor piece cannot mate? You will be the new textbook example, nolens-volens.
@Buzzworthy #1
It takes lots of skill to intentionally get checkmated like this. Can you lose to @badmodo as well?
Try breaking this lichess record fastest loss to badmodo:
Just want to point out your record is no record:

Inredible, hard to say if it can be broken^^

Also thanks for the share, takes some courage to expose such a blunder but it is great you did it!
My record vs Stockfish level 1:

What is the fastest way to be checkmated by Stockfish level 1?

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