
Breaking the Silence

@Rosalee said in #35:
> Was an offence committed and a conviction given. If not, these are allegations and opinions and Lichess would do well to avoid speculation and transparent virtue signalling virtue and let the proper authorities handle this.

Sorry, did you read the full article. Initially, there were allegations - which led to actual suspensions (kept quiet) and the players/coaches being disbarred against working with children (kept quiet).

Do the reading.
@friggidyfrank said in #580:
> This is a truly dangerous road to go down. This article sounds like it is saying allegations alone ought to be sufficient to charge someone and take away their livelihood.

No it isn't. There's multiple corroborated sources. You know... like they have in court too.

> Furthermore, that decision ought to be made by private organizations and corporations. Furthermore, there is a mob that has decided what the right and just decision is in every case based on its collective opinion on any given case that threatens to sanction the private organizations and corporations should they fail to see things its way.

No, it ought to be made by people who have reviewed the evidence. If someone wants to go to the police as well, that's fine. But it's not easy to do so and in many cases reporters are further traumatised by the result.

> So all motivation is to ignore the legal system, ignore evaluation of evidence, ignore culpability of individuals, and turn it all over instead to private organizations and corporations, expecting them to act in whatever way is most beneficial to them and have suffice as a criminal justice system. Not a great idea.

Look at this below and tell me that the criminal justice system is adequate. Even if your abuser does not face consequences in the legal system, is it too much to ask that you don't have to see them at every chess event? If you invited someone into your home and they slapped you, are you really telling me you'd go to the police and not stop inviting them to your home until the court case completed?

Based on correlating multiple data sources, RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) estimates[45] that for every 1,000 rapes, 384 are reported to police, 57 result in an arrest, 11 are referred for prosecution, 7 result in a felony conviction, and 6 result in incarceration.
@friggidyfrank said in #580:
> This is a truly dangerous road to go down. This article sounds like it is saying allegations alone ought to be sufficient to charge someone and take away their livelihood. Furthermore, that decision ought to be made by private organizations and corporations. Furthermore, there is a mob that has decided what the right and just decision is in every case based on its collective opinion on any given case that threatens to sanction the private organizations and corporations should they fail to see things its way. So all motivation is to ignore the legal system, ignore evaluation of evidence, ignore culpability of individuals, and turn it all over instead to private organizations and corporations, expecting them to act in whatever way is most beneficial to them and have suffice as a criminal justice system. Not a great idea.

yeah.. abandon all hope ye who enter here.

There is a certain naivety and lack of common sense throughout this entire post and threads that is quite honestly frightening. If I had to guess I'm pretty sure most people arguing here are teenagers.

They want to see these men crucified and have made up their mind that any woman accusing any man is right.

Newsflash folks: women are PEOPLE. And people lie all the time, for an infinite number of reasons. Demanding proof of these allegations before taking action to ban and slander people is not "misogynistic". Can't believe this has to be said.
This thread seems to be your timely reminder there are some seriously unenlightened corners of this world who nonetheless have thriving chess communities.
His track record is pretty big and old dated, how is this guy still able to play in tournaments and not get banned by FIDE? Unbelievable!
Just wow. This thread really dispels the myth that there's any relationship between cognitive ability and chess skill.

But it does raise the question, "How many of you teenage sociopaths are currently scrolling your way through your third straight hour of Andrew Tate's YouTube shorts?"
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