
Best answer to d5. (gambit, fun opening)

Hello guys, i have all my openning ready but everytime white play d5, i don't know what to do. Please help me rocking the d5 from white. :)
If someone Plays 1. d5 here in Lichess then please report a serious bug. If you wish to stop White from playing d5 later then play d5 yourself ;-)
If you mean things like the Queen's Gambit, the Albin is fun. If you prefer 1 ... Nf6 the Budapest or the Fajarowicz are a blast. Because there are so many options for White beside 1 d4 2 c4 there's no easy single answer. Good luck against the London though - there's not enough really sharp lines for Black there IMO.

Yes, I'm sure someone is going to tell me these aren't sound (the hint is in the username) but they're perfectly playable even at pretty high levels. YMMV.
I play 1.nf6 with aspirations of a Modern Benoni if given the opportunity against 1.d4 by white. If white plays 2.c4 then I can strike immediately with 2.c5 and have either my preferred structure or a fight for the Central squares. The Benko and Benoni are good enough for my rating level although if they are good enough for higher levels is up for debate.

I also second #4's suggestion, there are many active responses you can choose from, just depends on the nature of the positions you desire.
Personally, as a 1. d4 player, the most annoying response is 1. d4 c5 , the Benoni Defence.

If you're talking about not allowing White to play d5 later, play d5 yourself and defend the d5-pawn like you will lose the game if a white piece ends up on it.
@mylittleb said (#8):
> Personally, as a 1. d4 player, the most annoying response is 1. d4 c5 , the Benoni Defence.

There are two sorts of chess players: those who, after 1. d4 c5, feel obligated to advance the pawn to d5 and those who don't.

You can simply play 2.Nf3, cover the pawn and play a sort-of english opening if you do not like the Benoni structures. You continue to develop with i.e. g3, Bg2, c4, Nc3, b3, Bg2 (not necessarily in this order).

When black takes the pawn on d4 you take back with the knight. Do NOT exchange that knight for a Nc6 but move back to c2 instead, intending to go to e3. Strive to exchange the light pieces keeping the Ne3 against a bishop or knight. Resulting endgames of this sort are slightly better because the Ne3 is the better piece.

You can even take on c5 and get a sort of sicilian. c5 as answer on d4 is no reason to worry About for me
As black i used to Play the Benko, but if 1. d4 Nf6 2 . Nf3 c5 3. d5 is a ittle bit annoying. I Think 3.... b5 is nearly not playable, White has 3-4 moves that are all critical. Bg5 is good, any plan with e4 for White without puting a pawn on c4 ist dangerous. Even sac the e-pawn by playing e4 dircetly is difficult for black.
So i understand well that there is problem. I experimented with the dutch, some nice victories, some really devastasting defeats. I think to soon to call if this is a serious choice for me. What disturbs me a Little bit: Getting the Benko with White i always feared. The score against the Benko is not so bad, but I always felt really bad during the games.
Playing the Dutch with white was always fun for me....

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