
Cheat Infestation

I understand that it's hard for you to look at this from an impartial point of view. No your opponent wasn't cheating.

Would you accuse an opponent if you had played that same game OTB? You probably wouldn't. Even though online anti-cheating is way more sophisticated than OTB.

There is absolutely nothing special about that game at all.

For the record you have sent two cheat reports the last two weeks. I am fairly confident that two does not qualify as "loads".
Of course I wouldn't accuse my opponent OTB...but this is online chess.It's extremely easy to cheat here.I'm not just some paranoid fuck who accuses opponent that he cheats every time he loses.

The speed in which he played all those tricky moves in itself should be suspicious.
Sure it is easy to cheat. But it's very hard to cheat without being detected.
Guys stop targeting great mods like lovlas... if everyone was a mod, then people would missuse powers and all that crap. There is a reason that there are few mods. Also, the mods are doing what they can to ban cheaters. Many many cheaters are banned every day. Yes, it is a problem, but Lichess is trying hard to fix it!
I wouldn't call this getting targetted tbh. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and can share them freely in the forum (with some exceptions of course). But, when it comes to anticheating that opinion is often uneducated and emotional. Nobody likes playing against cheater. It can be insanely infuriating. But as long as their are assholes in this world there will be cheaters in online chess. Unfortunately it's hard to ban them before they cheat. But afterwards they'll be banned.
I think that people who use computer assistance are deceiving themselves,it's worse because they don't know fair play game,
I'm sure lichess staff is doing everything to catch them because I see how lichess is changed for better from last years and I hope that will be better for next years,Thank You
Overall, I think Lichess handles cheaters pretty well.

BTW, is it suspect, when users look on/out during a game..Like I make my move, the go offline for some time, come back and immediately make their move.. I always get pretty paranoid when people act like this.. Is it suspicious or just bad Internet, whatever?
#58 weak_patzer I am going to look into this and I'll get back to this thread if it survives. Cool anti-cheat AI it looks like.

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