
Should leave or remain on the internet?

I vote Yes. Now all that remains is figuring out what this internet thing is.
It must be known that, should lichess decide to leave internet, GoMentalGoBloody may declare independence!!! and set himself on the internet. Who knows what I could do, when I'm pretty sleepy but in need of working tons more ? :S By the way, thanks for crashing assets in the Turkish market, would normalize hopefully in a week or two...
GoBloody is about to go on a referandum about being united with GoMental. Polls are on, Vote below... (Yes, I'm extra sleepy and in need of human interaction, MAN...I should socialize more)
Hold on, so lichess is on the internet? Not just a manifestation in my head?
Lichens should remain. It is the Internet that needs to leave :P

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