
Anish Giri: "The more experienced I get, the more I realize Chess is just about luck."

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The fact that a 1000 ELO-rated player always gets rekt by a 2500 ELO-rated player tells me enough.
Well Giri is also known for his trolling so....
You can only guess what he means, here is mine:
To win your opponent has to make more mistakes than you. You cannot force someone into a mistake. If you complicate the position you are also increasing the risk that you make the mistakes. Between similarly strength player it's 50/50 who will make the worst mistake. Naturally ~2800 players make less mistakes than ~800.

I hope the above makes sense.
@wvwvwvw what a spooky coincidence , I have just watched it Yesterday :o
Speaking of coincidences , He also talks about coincidences in one of his videos along with Vsauce.
Great content
i think he is referring to the preparation of very sharp engine lines, and how it’s very much a luck dependent thing if you prepared for something that the opponent prepared.

probably an exaggeration though.
Dutch Donner: "Chess is and will always be a game of chance."
It's an interesting quote and I feel inclined agree with it in some circumstances despite being relatively weak. When its 2800 versus 2800, I think luck plays a big role in the sense that both players can play an absolutely logical idea but one idea just happens to work out better tahn the other. So I think it is true for playing people the same skill level as tyou. I could see a world championship being decided by luck (i.e. both players play an idea that is so advanced that it is impossible for either of them to fully understand it, but one idea just happens to work out better than the other)

I think Giri is trolling tho because he says "It's really nothing else" ...

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