
BREAKING: Fabiano Caruana filed a lawsuit against MAGNUS CARLSEN

World number two, American chess Super Grandmaster, Fabiano Caruana filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Norwegian world chess champion, Magnus Carlsen,, FIDE and Norway.

The law firm representing Caruana alleged that the chess Legend has murdered their client 3 times live during a chess match tournament.

Apparently, Caruana was murdered in "openings" and "middle-games", then, later on in "endgames" too.

Numerous witnesses saw Magnus Carlsen, hair messy, going ruthlessly after Fabiano with a series of prophylactic moves straight to the brain that gave him no chance. The Norwegian Grandmaster claimed that after the lack of responses from its opponent, he simply sets himself new objectives, while smiling awkwardly at the 10 bullet blitz games results in front of him.

The declining champion, Magnus Carsen, 2022's season not been very great. Most likely, this time he pulled the last straw and it's over. At this point, it's unclear why Norway and FIDE are being sued. Some evidences show that they might have contributed somehow to the massacre.
@KenulL_76 said in #2:
> You are trolling, right?

This is a troll. It talks about murdering the same guy 3 times at once. Some of this doesn’t make sense.
@LandonLagg said in #3:
> This is a troll. It talks about murdering the same guy 3 times at once. Some of this doesn’t make sense.

Hang on, I think that rule is called "en tres-sant" or something.
MURDER?!?!?!?????? WHERE????????????!!!!!!
Some nasty attitudes in this forums make this a good occasion to joke and satirize.
@Cedur216 said in #5:
> let's take a joke and have a nice day
> Some nasty attitudes in this forums make this a good occasion to joke and satirize.

Perhaps you should rather try this "joke" on a tic-tac toe forum?

Insults can backfire. If your insults are to inflict abuse, and you are trying to promote something outlandish, then people may not laugh or make the leap to infer that it meant "have a nice day". A few days ago, BeaverB1xQD8 tried vigorously and in stupor, to enforce his own claim that chess players were more likely to be "criminals and serial killers". Which is why it is more difficult to disguise this obvious insult as a joke, even if you were to be inclined to think dim-wittedness witty.

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