
How does one learn opening theory?

It really depends on yourself, I read the various lines and act them out over the board. But, then, I prefer OTB and don't get as much enjoyment from playing online. Mastering The Chess Openings by John Watson is a good opening book, but I think you should consider your own style of play and what works for you. From looking at your few games, I think on white the Ruy Lopez would suit your style. It's aggressive and hard for black to find an advantage.

Once you find out your preferred opening, I'd recommend getting a specific book on it or a series on YouTube or something if you don't like reading. For a proper repertoire, I think at least 2-3 solid openings on white and decent responses to e4, d4, c4, and nf3 (some openings can cover more than one, such as the Dutch).
If a game or a discovery in the Lichess opening tree got your attention because of the opening you can check on Youtube the channel of "Hanging Pawns": He has very good overview videos about almost all openings.
You can learn the chess theory of openings using the following methods: 1. Study of books and educational materials: There are many books and educational materials devoted to the chess theory of openings. Choose a reliable author and start studying his books, especially those that focus on the debut that you are interested in. It is important to remember that debuts are constantly evolving, so choose more modern editions. 2. Using Chess programs and online Resources: There are many chess programs and online resources that will help you learn chess openings. Some of them offer interactive training, analysis of positions and games, and also allow you to study openings through databases of games. 3. Game Analysis: Study the games of professional chess players, especially those who play in your favorite openings. Analyze their moves and strategies to understand and remember the main ideas and concepts. 4. Practice: There is no better way to learn openings than to practice. Play many games using the openings you have studied, and analyze your games with the help of computer programs or strong chess players. This will help you to repeat and consolidate your knowledge. 5. Memorization and repetition: The chess theory of openings is based on certain moves and positions, so it is important to remember the basic moves and ideas. Repetition is the key to memorization. Repeat the openings you have studied regularly and solve the positions to consolidate your knowledge. It is important to remember that it is impossible to learn all the openings down to the smallest detail. It is better to focus on a few basic openings and develop your knowledge gradually.
How to learn openings..

1. Control the center of the board with pawns or pieces
2. Develop your pieces at the same time.
3. Castle the king before trading pawns in most cases.

Derek Kelley is a great YouTube producer. When watching an opening he is describing or you find elsewhere...

1. Make sure you know the middle game plans regarding pawns and pieces and know where the pieces go and what weaknesses to exploit.

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