
Stuck at 1600 blitz

I am doing a lot of chess puzzles but my rating doesn't change a bit. I don't find them within my games. Please give me your opinion.
@farhad5269 Pick up a Chess Book like Logical Chess Move by Move by Irving Chernev & The Art Of Logical Thinking In Chess by Neil Mcdonald
@farhad5269 said in #1:
> I am doing a lot of chess puzzles but my rating doesn't change a bit. I don't find them within my games. Please give me your opinion.

Stop the puzzle for a while.

You are 1600 in Blitz and 1900+ in rapid and classical. That's mean your problem is speed.

Try puzzle storm, 5 per day, and also puzzle racer.

Everyday play a superBlitz Arena, like the daily Blitz, you'll face oponents of every level and you will learn of them.

Don't play in the lobby for Blitz, The arena is based on pairing, you don't know what level your opponent will be and you will therefore have to adapt your playing style to achieve the best possible result in a short time
@farhad5269 said in #3:
> I was a 1200 blitz player on I get's 1200 is as equal as 1600 I have been stuck there for one year.

For 3+0 blitz, choose openings which you know well enough to play on autopilot, try not to hang any pieces (pawns count) in the middle game and if you do hang a piece, don’t pause, avoid trading pieces and try to gain a time advantage over your opponent. Premove as much as possible.

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