
never played -> 2000 in 6 months


I started playing chess 6 months ago, im 30 years.
I m actually 1950 rated and i have a lot of problems to progress
I never played chess before, and i only play on internet i havent read anybook or take lessons, the only this ive done is study endgames ( A LOT ) but im stuck <2000 elo. How can i improve ?
Im not interresed AT ALL in openings and middlegames studies ..

Well if you're using an engine and are still below 2000, then you definitely need to get a better engine!
Your account is labelled for use of computer.
the way to modd lichess android app + integreated engine
but maybe could i sell my mod app ? there is a lot of other mod i added : sounds, access to forum, theme, cheat, and so, time control ....
At least if im able to post that i can find mate in 1 by my own :D

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