

@heckerboy said in #107:

> does alcohol taste good, well it does not, so why not say that cl tastes good since babies loves it

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #113:

> Yeah it does, that why everybody drinks it. Why would most of the world drink alcohol id it didn't taste good?

The biggest lie on that whole trend.

Ok ok maybe not on all drinks, i quite like champagne and wine but don't get me started on beer. ewww
@Vigarista456 said in #31

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #36:
> It is illogical. How would you know there's one god and not 10 or 50 or 999999?

@heckerboy said in #37:
> if there were multiple God's, each would make the world in his way, and there would be no coherence

Maybe that's the purpose of all this is to separate temporally the potential of having one, or zero, or infinite god? Maybe not all at the same time but instead separated by time (and space). Maybe the point of the big bang was to begin the process of separating one and zero. If true, it could (maybe) mean we're moving toward infinity and living and existing within a firmament of God exploded across billions of years—like what Brother Ali said when he spoke, "God is in the breath."
For great men, religion is a way of making friends; small people make religion a fighting tool. - Sir APJ Abdul Kalam
I know that God is real and I believe in Jesus dying and rising again three days later. I have physically felt God’s presence twice and I have felt the Holy Spirit in which Jesus sent down after He rose into heaven. Nobody can make me believe otherwise.

Go on. Ask some complex questions that most people don’t have answers to.
Example: Why would God let sin happen in the world?
Answer: If you read in Genesis 3, you’ll find that when Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, their eyes are spiritually opened up. This lead to a physical death over time and an immediate spiritual death. This has let the devil into our lives and he tempts us to sin by making things sound good. God lets this happen because when he created ‘man’, God gave Adam and Eve the freedom to eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. The devil tempted Eve into eating the fruit and sinning against God. This brought sin into the world.

Now ask me another question. Or, debate with me.
@VVirtual said in #1:
> Do any of y’all believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible?

Yes, I Believe. I Have Reasons To Believe.
@Tbootpoo said in #120:
> If its sugar free..who says its unhealthy ?
But they don't use natural replacement for sugar :), these could be more dangerous
@Chess_Galaxy1078 said in #125:
> I know that God is real

How did you come to the faith (Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen) that God is real, given the scripture below that essentially says that the Universe is seen, while the universe was not made out of what was visable?

Therefore, Faith in God is kind of like Judging a seen Chess Position (the universe), as either be a win, lose, or draw, being assured of it, based on the assurance of hope hearing that, (that universe) was formed by God, the chess player, except there is no proof of that God Chess player, but there is proof of the universe (chess position).

How can you be sure that the domino effect (chain reaction) of the first creation, (the theortical big bang), resulted in this Chess position of the Universe, where God pushed that first domino, being the cause to this effect?

Hebrews 11:3 NIV
“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
You have quoted that wrong. And by quoting it in a different translation it means different things. It says Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seem. This dosent mean every little thing. It’s talking abt having faith that God is real. If you don’t have faith, you will not see His works and understand Him. If you have faith you can ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be answered...ect.

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