Donate vs Lichess ratings

This is probably an unfair question to ask, but which site has higher rated/better players or is it about the same? has more higher rated players just because it has around 28 million members which is a lot more than lichess so obviously it would have more higher and lower rated players.

E.g lichess starts off with a rating of 1500 (percentile of 50% roughly) starts off with a rating of 1200 (percentile of 73/75%, most people don’t pass the 1200 line on which is equivalent to lichess rating of around 1700.

The difference narrows down at around 2200-2300 so i will say that both sites have a lot of good players but there’s no point comparing your rating on lichess to a person of the same rating on as you will find that they are a lot better.
(Those facts above probably seem a bit dramatic however as I only transferred from to here two months ago, I’ll say I know the rating system pretty well).

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