
How to Get Prizes from LUNC Crypto prizes tournaments, February 2024

Only subscribers of the telegram channel can receive prizes: those who sent their details by a personal message to the administrator via telegram.
You must have a username set in your telegram account. This is done in the account settings.

If you have already won LUNC prizes in my tournaments, the payout will be credited to your old wallet automatically after checking your subscription to the telegram channel.

* Prizes are paid to new users only on the Binance or Bybit exchange. Accounts must pass identity verification, otherwise the transfer of coins is technically impossible. The application for the prize must be sent to new players within 72 hours after the end of the tournament.

To receive the prize, write to our administrator your Binance user ID (BID) or Bybit user ID (UID).

Administrator's contacts: telegram , telegram username: @K2N_coach

* Players who have confirmed their chess title on Lichess can request a prize payment to any LUNC address.

Thank you if you open exchange accounts as my invited friends:

Referral code: MO9KYP

Referral ID: 36291783

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