
Scid vs PC: help on themes

Hi all,
I've been using for some time Scid, it's a great software. But I can't change some colors in the UI: via Options -> Theme the default color for the menus and UI background doesn't change. I succeeded in changing other colors via Options -> Colors but the theme seems difficult to change.
Options - Chessboard - Colors works for me.
@JM3000 said in #2:
> Options - Chessboard - Colors works for me.
What version are you using? I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and Scid vs PC 4.21
True, by default in linux it looks ugly - wrong background colors.

2 variants to fix it:

1. Using ttk-theme-chooser to set default tk theme and scid_vs_pc now looks adequate.
Manjaro install:
pamac build ttk-theme-chooser
Sources (

2. Edit/create in home directory ~/.Xresources file and add there:
*TkTheme: default

(ttk-theme-chooser does same)
Sorry I see that is a Scid 4.7 version in Windows 10.

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