
Slav defence sideline discussion

The positions I'm referring to occur after the move 9. hxg6... I never really studied this line in any great depth, I know the go to piece setup for white is to go a3, Bd2, Qf3 and usually 0-0-0, since I've seen that in some very strong games (by Andreikin, Svidler...). One thing that I find confusing is that black is supposed to go 10.g5 instead of what he did in the game, which I didn't know (at the time of the game) the proper theoretical refutation for. Later my computer showed me that one very strong plan for white is to go g5, followed by h4 and 0-0-0 and playing for some kind of kingside attack, but the whole plan, first and foremost the g5 move look kind of peculiar to me... I did end up winning this game, but mostly because my opponent missed a tactic when he played 0-0-0 (which seems to be not in the spirit of the position, even when it doesn't hang a pawn, but I'm not blaming him for not knowing the theory in depth; neither did I) , if the game had taken a more normal route, I would have been at a loss for a good plan of action.. Any Slav defense experts helping out with this theoretical discussion would be appreciated. Cheers!
I'm sorry, but I'm not an expert in the Slav though I play it quite often so I can't help you that much. :)
That's fine, opinions are welcome too, it doesn't have to be some kind of GM level theory knowledge :)
Main mistake is a5 imo. Many slav lines end up with a6 b5 and c5 ideas. This line is difficult strategically and you have to know the main lines for sure. Cause usually you have to play without castling your king. I would recommend slav with a6 or e6 :)
@DzeiTi I don't know if it's just me that misunderstood you, but I was playing white this game, not black ;)

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