
Who are Ukraine’s far-right neo-Nazi Azov regiment?

Lichess should exclude all Russian players, whether they support the war and their criminal system or not!
Putin and his entourage are murderers and war criminals, all of whom will hopefully be held accountable at some day in the future.
The Nazis are sitting in Moscow!
The world must support the ucrainan struggle for fredom!!!
@blackdahlia99 said in #44:
> As usual, people completely miss the point.

Putin, Putin. Mind if I call you Putin?

Its not an insult. Just an identifying concept. Say what Mark Twain says and I shall call you that.

> Would you like to coexist with Russia?

Yes. As mentioned before.

It is unimaginably hateful and insane to say that "those who got invaded deserved it"

> Or would you prefer to be vaporized?

You are making abusive B.S. stereotypes about people who are being engaged -- PRESENTLY -- in a fight for their very lives.

> Not sure what people on here would prefer.

Obviously, peace.


> BTW, Russia has massive underground bomb shelters for their people. Does the US? Does the EU?

Threats, and praise for Russian defense.
@blackdahlia99 said in #50:
> Maybe real dialogue BEFORE THE WAR could have prevented it. We'll never know.

The only "real dialogue" that could have prevented Putin from invading Ukraine were Zelenskiy calling him and basically handing him the keys to Kyiv.
> Are people on here unaware that the US staged an illegal coup in Ukraine in 2014?

Do you have any evidence for that claim? I mean apart from Putin's propaganda?

> The Pentagon and the CIA have been experimenting on their "little friends" in the Ukraine--setting off mini-nukes, releasing chemical weapons to "test" them, harvesting organs, trafficking drugs and illegal cash, etc., etc.

The shit gets weirder. Any evidence?

> And you think the Western countries are "friends" of Ukraine? They want the war in Ukraine to go on for YEARS...

This war hurting the economy of every country, causing a new refugee crisis and making the world a much more dangerous place where Putin is threatening the use of nuclear weapons... but the West wants to have it continued. Yeah, right!

Somehow I feel you are completely brainwashed.
"The US/NATO/WEST either negotiates and coexists with Russia or we go to global thermonuclear war.

Which outcome would you prefer?"

I hate these kinds of arguments. Because they're incredibly stupid.

If owning nuclear weapons means that we have to let you have your way, then North Korea would own the world if they really wanted. The point is, sometimes you have to call their bluff, or else let them establish dominance over the entire world. Are they willing to launch nukes, knowing that retaliation will surely annihilate them?

Stop being being a Russian dupe and listening to dogshit news.
Indignation, virtue signaling, etc and NO RESPONSE to the points made above.

Maybe you should get a job at the CIA? They would love you!!!!

The Ukrainian military are using civilians as human shields. The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives--including against their own military.
North Korea has a few nukes. Russia has thousands. Not the same situation.

NK cannot destroy the US. Russia can.


Who is more invested in what happens in Ukraine? Russia or NATO? Who is willing to fight, kill (and die) in Ukraine? Ukrainians and Russians? Or NATO? Why are the Russians willing to kill (and die) in Ukraine and NATO is not?

I would like a thoughtful answer if anyone on here is capable of that.
I no longer play chess on this site because lichess is promoting war propaganda.

I am just making comments to penetrate the wall of war fog that people on here have bought into.
@blackdahlia99 said in #55:
> Indignation, virtue signaling, etc and NO RESPONSE to the points made above.

If you meant me: I quoted your claims and asked you for evidence. Have you any?

> The Ukrainian military are using civilians as human shields. The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives--including against their own military.

This is probably the reason why everytime Ukrainian civilians are interviewed they are condemning Putin and the russian armed forces and wishing them bad things.
@blackdahlia99 said in #44:

> Would you like to coexist with Russia? Real dialogue, compromise, etc.
and has ever Russia tried to coexist decently with anyone around? Just name any neighbouring country Russia has not territorial conflict with?

@thomasott said in #51:
> Lichess should exclude all Russian players, whether they support the war and their criminal system or not!

and what about those non Russians who still support and justify Russias "self-defence" special operations, you might be shocked but there are a lot of them... Anyone supporting the war must be banned.

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