
How many opening are in the chess???

Quite hard to answer.

Openings have many variations, these variations have sub variations, at what point is it a new opening or part of an old one!

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There are dozens of different openings and hundreds of variants. The Oxford Companion to Chess lists 1,327 named openings and variants.
It also depends on how many you wish to give names. Some seem to think that every single opening position deserves a name (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6, for example). I don't.
Above answers are about naming them in short natural language phrases. Consider this...
"Number of distinct chess positions after n plies including differences due to availability and possibility of castling and en passant captures.

1, 20, 400, 5362, 72078, 822518, 9417681, 96400068, 988187354, 9183421888, 85375278064, 726155461002, ...

and that is smaller than the number of opening sequences because transpositions have been accounted for.

The simplest way to "name" the positions is by FEN. The simplest way to "name" the opening sequences is by giving the SAN variation.

A good way to think about openings is to use pawn structure to classify them, and then learn the themes for each. The ideas that were in "Pawn Structure Chess" by Soltis.

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