
Rating points sucked out of the system

Lately I've played and lost to a lot of new accounts that were later closed for cheating. One thing I noticed, is that each time a new cheater comes along (and nothing prevents those guys from just keep coming back with new bogus accounts) is that he takes out a lot of points out of the system. He usually plays 10-20 games before his account is closed, enough to take like 30p per game against ppl like me. The overall effect is that the points are being drawn out of the system and it's becoming increasingly hard to recover them as everyone's rating is going down. Is there a way to avoid this? Perhaps filter on players with minimum games played? Or cancel the points loss once an account is flagged as cheater? I don't know, but something should be done to address this issue.
I wrote about it long time ago.
Plus points for game with cheater
"thibault" please make something about Topic.Not only one game(last without next game rated).

Best regards
It's like a black hole of points, but how would a person get the points back since all games thereafter would affect his/her score based on the score just after the cheat?
It's not like you can't recalculate the scores..... Though it would be somewhat taxing on CPU.
I thought of two things...

adding a rating floor

adding a toggle allow/not allow provisional players (less than 20 games or whatever the number is).
I'm not concerned so much about points being sucked out of the system as a whole, but another effect is to increase rating compression (the spread between two players of unequal strength being less than what it should be).
I'm not even exactly sure how ratings on this website work, besides the basics. If there were a million players on Lichess, wold there be a difference score rewards in a game between, say, me(~1550) and an opponent(say, 1400)????

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