
"How do I not" or something about bad playing

I've always been okay with losing, when it comes to a "this guy has outplayed me, shit, I have to analyse the game and find my mistakes" etc. When it comes to a time lose when I have 20 queens on my board, that happens not very often but is pesky per se. When I come up with a brilliant tactic which turns out to be a miscalculation on a move 4-5 after I started doing it does irritate as well, but that's only my problem. Random Magnus Carlsens, the guys who have no idea what they do but hav emore than 2k rating, having a top class repertoire with drunken nite opening or someelse, they still manage to beat most of the players never recieved my trust, but whatever.
On top of all that goes the feeling of random playing by oneself, which today is me. How do I deal with a random play. I mean the play when I find an oponent and start losing my ELO which I had been gaining with vigor and effort. It always looks like I'm opening some random game where I can randomly move pieces, lose and close it. For always then I get irritated like a rush, because I'm doing it.
This post might seem morethan just random, but maybe you'll find something familiar and give some advice on how not to play when you lose, and how not to lose because you are in a oblivion.
I feel that if randomness concerns you and you don't see meaning in what you're doing anymore, (you realise that) look for something else that is meaningful. Don't know if that helps.
"First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great."
It sounds like you're on tilt ? Maybe take a break from the game for a day or 2 before coming back or play casual and just have fun.
Masquerade, what is Kingcrusher complaining about in that video?

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