
Can we get FIDE rating on lichess

@Jaibansal For the near future it's definitely not possible on Lichess, since FIDE is a totally different organization.

I wouldn't recommend, but if you want, you can play online-chess on their FOA (FIDE Online Arena) site.

It says the following: "FOA Rating is recognized by FIDE. It shows up on your FIDE profile and gives an excellent start to your professional chess career."

Have fun!
@Jaibansal said in #13:
> It costs money i need to play for free!!!

Thanks for sharing.
That was new to me. Is a FIDE web page where you actually can play fide-rated online-games, if you pay for a membership? If so, do you start with you old fide-rating?
@Katzenschinken said in #5:
> Not that I care of one of my comments being voted down (secret spoiler: oh yes, I do) but I'm genuinely asking myself why.
> What is it that the downvoter didn't like about the comment? Is it the fact that you can't get a FIDE rating on Lichess and it is a case of "shooting the messenger"? Is it the bluntness with which I met the question, just giving a one-word answer? Should I have given a long and meandering answer (like this one) in which I ease the pain of not being able to receive the urgently sought FIDE rating on Lichess? Was it my nick that insulted the downvoter? The fact I didn't accept Jesus into my heart as my personal saviour?
> Please @LandonLagg, help me and answer this question which is now burning in me. I can't sleep.

Why drag me into this? I don’t think I know you. If FIDE ratings were to be added they must be able to be toggled on and off. To get Lichess’s FIDE rating points it must be in a FIDE point only tournament.
@LandonLagg said in #16:
> Why drag me into this?

I don't drag you into anything. You voted down my comment and I asked in a slightly sarcastic way what reason you could possibly have. It is up to you if you answer.

> I don’t think I know you.


> If FIDE ratings were to be added they must be able to be toggled on and off. To get Lichess’s FIDE rating points it must be in a FIDE point only tournament.

Again - there are no FIDE rating points for games played on Lichess. FIDE has nothing to do with Lichess. Lichess has its own rating system that is in no way connected with the FIDE rating system. They even don't use the same calculation method.
@Katzenschinken said in #18:
> I don't drag you into anything. You voted down my comment and I asked in a slightly sarcastic way what reason you could possibly have. It is up to you if you answer.
> And?
> Again - there are no FIDE rating points for games played on Lichess. FIDE has nothing to do with Lichess. Lichess has its own rating system that is in no way connected with the FIDE rating system. They even don't use the same calculation method.

I know. FIDE recently made an agreement with Lichess and if I remember correctly. This isn’t totally out of the box to happen. I am just saying it should for the people who don’t have the opportunity. Also, they could adopt the calculation system. Some people can’t play FIDE over the board so they deserve the chance online.

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