
Economic support. under financial trouble.

Long story short, I have no money as usual, fact is I dont want the money
for myself I want it for the book I want to write, or to support myself while
I write the book, u may have known me as "puzzletraining" or "Motion"
in previous accounts, I have this artistic necessity of continuing my work
and It is a big urge, but my circunstances are not very pleasant for the creative process, basically bills are more than a headache
so I am asking money for the book not myself, but since I am the one writing
the book I guess money for myself for the book, I mean the idea was to do the book
and then sell it or give it for free, but that was secondary, the important
fact was that It was a finished product and did not have the flauvour of open source
which I believe its awesome but not for the book I want to write, due to the
complications of the mathematical concepts and geometry, It is fauvored a more
rigid structure for compression.
In other words, I need money to write a book which I believe is going to be awesome,
not because I write it myself but because I think big, despite that self appraisal
sucks I think I am spot on, but I need the financial impulse to continue my work
otherwise it will remain there untouched for decades.

There is less than a third of what I want to paint, what its there now its more
or less like a draft, of course I am averse to the risk of imitation, I mean
thats not a bad thing but its too early this is like a new subject, and I am working
on it, or I worked the main aspects of it on my mind, I have some ideas of how to
put 1000 pictures together while there is still some harmony, and other qualites
that I dont want to tell so that retains a little of mistery of passion,
but circunstances oblige me not to destroy my work but but again to throw the pieces
or show the bad draft, in order to impulse an hypothetical finance aid
as to the fact of awards, first is too early, and second I will lose concentration
dont mind getting any award but not now, because I just want to make the book of
pictures, I understand the personality of the people of this forum which is quite
similar in some aspects to mine, in other words not very altruistic as chess
is a very materialistic game and the value of the centipawn is highly regarded
so I am not naive in that aspect but nevertheless, but one has to do what one
has to do and in this case is asking for money, so I can work on it and frankly
I wont disappoint you, but I will do it for myself I have already in mind the collection of pictures and I follow the principles of aesthetics I dont follow open source principles, I like open source donations however, and well there is no trolling here as u may imagine I need money, noone is forced to give me money I know
but, I am one of those lucky imaginative crazy individuals, that can make the difference in Art, if I want to have the time and so, so basically its ur choice
u donate me money I continue the work, otherwise its gonna suffer, its gonna be neglected not gonna suffer because it does not have soul, but it will be unwelcome
for the artist in which case its me
and this is very boring dull and necessary, remember this is the draft, its more
tidy in my mind, I have nothing against imitation but I would not do that because
there is a lot of complexity and should be taken and arranged by a bigger perspective in order to not get carried away by a series of minor details.

So, yes its only colour, pictures, figures chess, but to the strong soul or mind
can perceive imaginae abstract analyze transform ok, plenty of things that are happening there.

With time I will even explain it, but first I want to compose draw it,
and believe it We can make the difference and I say we, because as soon as you contribute financially then whehter I like it or not I have to share the honour of the work and dont get carried away by the naughty childish spontaneous appearance of it, remember that the author is aware of the nuances of other types of things,
and if something looks childish or spontaneous its becausse it has been made on purpose so, its on concience, all paintings are well thought out, wether drew fast
or slow, almost a year ago, or half a year ago, but I would like to continue, and since I dont want to repeat myself much more
well there is nothing else to say, money will be welcome and the book will improve, despite all money is welcome and everything adds up, big donations are welcome too.

Well, I have not tested it, but it should work, dont do it for myself, do it for the sake of geometry! because the pictures that are coming which I have in my mind
they are not anywhere else, are worthy, are worth the effort the penny
Ok, so thats it, I will explain with data text what pictures mean or how interact with classical chess, I even have theorems written already which alone would be
of little importance but next to the pictures makes the greater whole more shiny.

I ll quite likely probably will make the work even if I dont get donations, its just that if I get donations the process will be faster and more smooth, perhaps
it will take me 5 months instead of 5 years, ok, so the idea its a very enginnering idea a question of efficiency.
I can do it myself but with donations I might go faster, and since the work is more important than myself because I am an ordinary guy but the work is awesome,
then I am forced to ask for donations whether I receive them or no, because I would not but, geometry is geometry and it has a different opinion than mine,
I suppose we ll see that later, in any case

Jumbo! Jumbo! JUmbo!
Here is the colourful draft, in the following web:

It may look just like a comic but its not, its thought out and I will continue if u allow me increasing the knowledageable asapects of the domain and the board of chess
their configuraionts, ok I wont explain everything now, I think its better for the reader to try to figure the things on his own.
So here is the draft:
It looks like nonsense but its beautiful nonsense and it will be bigger and more logically arranged so that it can be more instinctively understood.
I like keeping the tension, this is not a fight, its a creative process I think keeping the tension is good for arts sake,
but here its not questin of tension its a question of finance of resources, speed and without that I cant really work I have already lost a lot of artistic momentum
and It will take a while to recover it.

I dont like the work as it is, the draft but nevertheless if it helps its continuation, much better. if it helps to share it before its finished I mean, not for opinions
but for resources since here the artistic component is bigger than the scientifical one hence I will follow my trend
the work is finished on my mind is in fact bigger than 1000 pictures, but I would like to make it and I would like to share it and its a whole deal of work
hours and detail, and It only makes sense to do it if I see some interest, no monetary but some sort of interest, otherwise it will be solipsistic art,
whatever that means, hence its almost an obligation ot share, but its work and I dont like to work for free, I mean I already know visualized the cristal critical
aspects of it and I dont have doubts about the main concepts, if I conceive, contribute challengue new themes etc it will be for others or for my pride as well
but that will require in either case or both lots of effort a disproportional amounf of effort for such a specialized theme.
So I know I wont get rich but I know this is big stuff, even if i dont get donations or few of them, its just that they will help to smooth speed up the process
a little and get the book done.
I made it halfway through then I saw more paragraphs and ducked out. Pro tip, keep it short and snappy if you want to hold a readers attention.

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