
hacking website

How exactly are you defining " hacked"^^? Do these people even know the meaning of this word? Do you believe that somebody is hacking into your computer while playing a game? At least I have had the possibility to learn a new word here: bambozzles
no !! not my computer ,there is problem with app android and cheaters
if the problem of sound is not hacked's problem ,there exist really a fail , but i 'm asking you to see every screen of players during games
I have the idea that it is possible to overload a game by flooding the mouse controls or jamming the connection.

One other problem is the time counting down on your opponents side, while the connection is lost. That is just not fair. Any app can recognize connection loss and be honest about that.
I don't see how doing anything like that would help you. You would prolly just get autobanned and the world would move on without you.

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