
My IQ is higher than your.

How can someone have bases? Not One person is neither a lamp, nor an army. And if he does have a base, then it's his, it doesn't become yours just because you claim that it does - there are financial courts to handle these things.
While it matters, it matters not how high your IQ is if you can do all of the basic life things properly. Outside of that, being average is probably best. Lower than average IQ isn't good, but neither is well above average.

As a person with above average IQ, I find it more useless than useful. You know more, but knowing more than others does have its downsides..

Perhaps you heard that highly intelligent people use to say that although higher IQ is a blessing, it's also a curse. Overthinking being one side-effect.

IQ in the end doesn't matter that much. It helps in some fields if you want to learn faster than others.
I find being wise and understanding is far more important than IQ and I respect these kinds of people far more than those who posses higher IQ.

Weak people with higher IQ tend to fall in trap thinking they're better than everyone else, consequently never learning anything new and wasting their gift entirely.

There are a good number of people with above average IQ, we don't need that, we need more people who still didn't forget what being a decent human being means.
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