
The most annoying type of opponent

Is it the guy who knows it is mate in one, so he lets his time run out? Or is it the guy who keeps offering take backs and draw offers when he is clearly losing? Or do you have any other type of annoying opponent you face?
"the most annoying type of opponent" is THE GUY!
Allright, noted - and consider myself lucky to be excluded :-)
The guy who plays both better than me and faster than me. I don't mind if you outplay me on the board, nor if you flag me on the clock, but both at once? That's too much, man!
The most annoying type of opponent is myself. How much must i have failed in life to end up on forums. Lol
...streamers who lose and cry/insinuate cheating where it isn't obvious that the other guy cheated..You can cry foul/insinuate cheating AND REPORT when it's THAT obvious, you can go ahead and report if you think it was cheating and it wasn't obvious, but cries of cheating without even taking the step to report is just the worst behavior I have seen on online platforms, closely followed by people who let their time run down when losing..
I haven't come across anybody like that yet, but even then, they wouldnt come under the category of "opponents" do they?
@prashnakrisad my mistake, im in a weird psychological state for days can't even play chess or have to watch things 3 times to understand. Did not mean to be rude.

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