
If white ran out of time here, what should the result be?

Look at the board in the aborted position above. Now imagine it's white to move, but white has 0 time on the clock.

A pretty good case can be made for all 3 possible results:

White wins: White is in a forced sequence. The ONLY legal move and ONLY continuation from here is to checkmate black in 1 move. There are no other possible ways to continue from the position but for white to win.

Black wins: Whites clock ran out. Black still has a queen on the board which is mating material. Black should win.

Draw: White is out of time. Black has no continuation that is a win. There for it should draw.

What do you think?
Whites ran out of time, black can checkmate, white loss, according to FIDE or Lichess rules. I don't agree with your draw case, because Blacks have a continuation, they can eat the queen and mate. Running out of time is like letting your opponent play as much moves as he wants, so blacks would have time to mate whites's king.

Show me a single continuation in which black can mate from this position with white to move.

The ONLY continuation is Qxb7# checkmate is whites only legal continuation.
@Solal35 It's not even a legal position if it's not white's turn. The white king is in check, and must get out of check.
The game is over. White lost on time.
@lurarose with your logic, every position with a white king in check, whites to move and whites out of time should be draw?
According to FIDE it is a draw. White lost on time, but black cannot mate white by any series of legal moves.

No that is not true. If there is only 1 way out of check it must be taken if the game is to continue.

The way I see it is when white runs out of time black should be free to make whichever moves black wants for both sides if he chooses to do so.

Assuming it's black to play with the white pieces from the above position black is in zugswang if he moves any move is self checkmate... Any reasonable black player would refuse to make any move for the white army in the above position, and allow his own clock to also hit 0 thus a double time out.

I would label the above position as drawn assuming white's clock is 0.
A clear draw. Black has no winning sequence. As simple as that according to FIDE, USCF might have their special rules.
Even white:Kb1,Qa1 vs. black: Kb3,Qa3, and then ...Qa3xQa1+ is draw when white runs out of time.

PS: If the white's mobile rings the result shall be probably 0-0,5 (!)

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