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1e4+0.2e5+0.42Nf3+0.3Nc6+0.23d40.0exd4+0.24Nxd40.0Bc5+0.25c3?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. Nxc6 was best.5.Nxc6Qf66.Qf3[...]5...Nf6−0.86Bd3−0.6Nxd4−0.67cxd4−0.5Bxd4−0.28Nc3?!−0.9...Inaccuracy. Nd2 was best.8.Nd2c69.Nf3[...]8...h6?+0.2Mistake. O-O was best.8...O-O9Bf4?!−0.8...Inaccuracy. Nb5 was best.9.Nb59...O-O−0.710Qc2?!−1.4...Inaccuracy. e5 was best.10.e5Re810...d5−1.211e5?−2.8...Mistake. O-O was best.11.O-O11...Bxc3+??−0.9Blunder. Re8 was best.11...Re812.Ne212Qxc3−0.6d4−0.613Qc2?!−1.5...Inaccuracy. Qd2 was best.13.Qd2Re814.Rc1[...]13...Nd5−1.314Bg3?!−2.3...Inaccuracy. Bd2 was best.14.Bd2f615.Bc4[...]14...c6?!−1.5Inaccuracy. Nb4 was best.14...Nb415a3−1.9Qa5+−2.116Ke2−2.6Bg4+−2.217f3−2.3Bh5?!−1.4Inaccuracy. Ne3 was best.17...Ne318.Qd218Rhe1?!−2.4...Inaccuracy. Rhc1 was best.18.Rhc1Ne319.Qc5[...]18...Rae8?!−1.5Inaccuracy. Ne3 was best.18...Ne319.Qd2Qxd2+[...]19Kf2−2.0Ne3−2.020Qe2−2.4f6?!−1.6Inaccuracy. f5 was best.20...f521b4?!−2.6...Inaccuracy. e6 was best.21.e6Qg521...Qd8−2.522Kg1−2.4fxe5−2.423Bf2??−6.5...Blunder. Be4 was best.23.Be423...e4−6.424Bxe3−6.4exd3−6.325Qxd3−6.2Rxe3−6.326Rxe3−6.0dxe3−6.227Qxe3−6.1Re8−6.028Qxa7?!−11.7...Inaccuracy. Qc3 was best.28.Qc3Kh728...Qd2?!−5.7Inaccuracy. b6 was best.28...b629Rf1?!−7.7...Inaccuracy. Kh1 was best.29.Kh1Qc329...Re2−7.630Qb8+−7.6Kh7−7.631Qg3−7.5Qe3+−7.432Kh1−7.3Rc2−6.133Re1?!−63.0...Inaccuracy. f4 was best.33.f4Qxg333...Rc1−59.034h3?!#−7...Checkmate is now unavoidable. h4 was best.34.h4Rxe1+35.Kh2[...]34...Rxe1+#−1135Kh2#−1Qg1#
Checkmate • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2019.06.02"] [White "Teachmetimes2"] [Black "EmreA"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2019.06.02"] [UTCTime "15:05:49"] [WhiteElo "1501"] [BlackElo "1400"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-19"] [BlackRatingDiff "+17"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "C45"] [Opening "Scotch Game: Classical Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Bc5 { C45 Scotch Game: Classical Variation } 5. c3?! { (0.15 → -0.54) Inaccuracy. Nxc6 was best. } (5. Nxc6 Qf6 6. Qf3 dxc6 7. Nc3 Be6 8. Be3 Qxf3 9. gxf3 Bxe3) 5... Nf6 6. Bd3 Nxd4 7. cxd4 Bxd4 8. Nc3?! { (-0.17 → -0.86) Inaccuracy. Nd2 was best. } (8. Nd2 c6 9. Nf3 Bb6 10. e5 Nd5 11. Be4 d6 12. Bxd5 cxd5) 8... h6? { (-0.86 → 0.24) Mistake. O-O was best. } (8... O-O) 9. Bf4?! { (0.24 → -0.85) Inaccuracy. Nb5 was best. } (9. Nb5) 9... O-O 10. Qc2?! { (-0.71 → -1.40) Inaccuracy. e5 was best. } (10. e5 Re8) 10... d5 11. e5? { (-1.25 → -2.82) Mistake. O-O was best. } (11. O-O) 11... Bxc3+?? { (-2.82 → -0.88) Blunder. Re8 was best. } (11... Re8 12. Ne2) 12. Qxc3 d4 13. Qc2?! { (-0.58 → -1.48) Inaccuracy. Qd2 was best. } (13. Qd2 Re8 14. Rc1 Nd5 15. O-O b6 16. Rfe1 g5 17. Bg3 c5 18. Be4 Rb8 19. Bxd5 Qxd5) 13... Nd5 14. Bg3?! { (-1.32 → -2.26) Inaccuracy. Bd2 was best. } (14. Bd2 f6 15. Bc4 fxe5 16. Qe4 Be6 17. Qxe5 Qf6 18. Qxf6 Rxf6 19. O-O Kf7 20. Rfc1 c6) 14... c6?! { (-2.26 → -1.50) Inaccuracy. Nb4 was best. } (14... Nb4) 15. a3 Qa5+ 16. Ke2 Bg4+ 17. f3 Bh5?! { (-2.35 → -1.41) Inaccuracy. Ne3 was best. } (17... Ne3 18. Qd2) 18. Rhe1?! { (-1.41 → -2.39) Inaccuracy. Rhc1 was best. } (18. Rhc1 Ne3 19. Qc5 Qxc5 20. Rxc5 Rfe8 21. Rg1 Rad8 22. Ra5 a6 23. Rc5 Bg6 24. Bxg6 fxg6) 18... Rae8?! { (-2.39 → -1.51) Inaccuracy. Ne3 was best. } (18... Ne3 19. Qd2 Qxd2+ 20. Kxd2 Nxg2 21. Re4 Rad8 22. e6 fxe6 23. Rxe6 Ne3 24. Re7 Rf7 25. Rxf7) 19. Kf2 Ne3 20. Qe2 f6?! { (-2.42 → -1.62) Inaccuracy. f5 was best. } (20... f5) 21. b4?! { (-1.62 → -2.58) Inaccuracy. e6 was best. } (21. e6 Qg5) 21... Qd8 22. Kg1 fxe5 23. Bf2?? { (-2.37 → -6.49) Blunder. Be4 was best. } (23. Be4) 23... e4 24. Bxe3 exd3 25. Qxd3 Rxe3 26. Rxe3 dxe3 27. Qxe3 Re8 28. Qxa7?! { (-5.97 → -11.73) Inaccuracy. Qc3 was best. } (28. Qc3 Kh7) 28... Qd2?! { (-11.73 → -5.69) Inaccuracy. b6 was best. } (28... b6) 29. Rf1?! { (-5.69 → -7.68) Inaccuracy. Kh1 was best. } (29. Kh1 Qc3) 29... Re2 30. Qb8+ Kh7 31. Qg3 Qe3+ 32. Kh1 Rc2 33. Re1?! { (-6.15 → -62.98) Inaccuracy. f4 was best. } (33. f4 Qxg3) 33... Rc1 34. h3?! { (-58.99 → Mate in 7) Checkmate is now unavoidable. h4 was best. } (34. h4 Rxe1+ 35. Kh2 Qg1+ 36. Kh3 Ra1 37. Qf4 Ra2 38. Qh2 Qf1 39. Qg3 Rxa3 40. Qe5 Ra2) 34... Rxe1+ 35. Kh2 Qg1# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
12 inaccuracies
1 mistake
1 blunder
71 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
5 inaccuracies
1 mistake
1 blunder
41 Average centipawn loss
  1. rodeo 5.c3 is a bit inaccurate, white usually wants Nc3.
  2. rodeo 8...h6 seems unnecessary, the DSB already protects your knight anyhow
  3. rodeo 11...Re8 looks like it worked?
  4. Golodion omg what an opening desaster
  5. rodeo yeah 15.O-O was really needed
  6. rodeo if 19.Kf1 then 19...Ne3+ 20.Rxe3 is forced
  7. rodeo I liked 18...Rfe8 instead
  8. Golodion 18... Ne3 looked like a bigger problem
  9. Golodion hitting ´Qc2 and the pawn on g2
  10. Golodion The rook belongs on f8. Now f6 and both files are opened
  11. Golodion e.g. ...f6, ex6 Rxf6 already threatens Ng4+
  12. Golodion Hm. Perhaps white can fight with Bf2. After Nf5, g4 is good, and Nd5 might be answered by Qe4
  13. Golodion Though Nf6 then ...
  14. Golodion Ouch, that hurt
  15. Golodion Although: What happens after Bc4+?
  16. Golodion Oh, that loses a piece, doesn't it?
  17. michaeltallovsky looks winning now
  18. Golodion Was winning before I think
  19. Golodion But after exd3 there is no doubt
  20. michaeltallovsky he thinks maybe about ef3 too
  21. michaeltallovsky no risk needed
  22. Golodion Might be stronger because it destoys white's kingside too
  23. michaeltallovsky but after ed3 u get an very easy game
  24. Golodion Yes, you can even trade a pair of rooks immediately
  25. michaeltallovsky yes
  26. michaeltallovsky dont complicate if you can win easily
  27. Golodion Right. Plus, exf3 doesn't seem to win the piece at all.
  28. Golodion Doesn't matter now
  29. michaeltallovsky ef3 was only interesting if it leads to mate net
  30. Golodion Ah, can't even win the pawn without exchanging the queens as well
  31. Golodion Why not think at least for 10 seconds?
  32. Golodion Although you can't really keep it there, can you? ;-)
  33. michaeltallovsky Qd2 now>
  34. Golodion Right
  35. michaeltallovsky i only see Qf2'
  36. Golodion h3
  37. Golodion Re2, Qb8+ Kh7, Qg3?
  38. michaeltallovsky if h3 just Qe3
  39. michaeltallovsky Qe3
  40. Golodion Well, yes, I was trying to prevent mate :-)
  41. michaeltallovsky endgame always wins
  42. michaeltallovsky hmmm
  43. michaeltallovsky now Qb8
  44. Golodion indeed
  45. coldgreenII Kh7 Qg3
  46. coldgreenII after that idk
  47. Golodion b6, c5 and run the passer
  48. michaeltallovsky yes but now the game continues for a while
  49. Golodion The queen cannot move away, and the bishop can catch an advancing a-pawn
  50. coldgreenII Qe3+?
  51. coldgreenII pick up a pawn
  52. coldgreenII yup :=)
  53. Golodion or two
  54. coldgreenII huh?
  55. Golodion ?
  56. coldgreenII missclick?
  57. Golodion Well, ten more of those and white can start hoping againe
  58. coldgreenII i dont see the idea
  59. coldgreenII :D
  60. coldgreenII Rc1
  61. Golodion Ah, that's the idea
  62. Golodion Hm, I wouldn't want to trade rooks, but rather queens
  63. michaeltallovsky he will resign
  64. Golodion Yes, in this particular position ....
  65. coldgreenII nice trap though
  66. michaeltallovsky re1
  67. Golodion White had to "find" Re1 though
  68. Golodion gg
  69. coldgreenII it came with a tempo so it was "logical"
  70. coldgreenII gg
  71. michaeltallovsky well played for a 1400!
  72. EmreA gg man
  73. EmreA haha thanks my man
  74. EmreA i am a bit higher than 1400 :)
  75. michaeltallovsky well done emrea!
  76. EmreA id say around teachmetimes2
  77. EmreA thx bro
  78. michaeltallovsky last game will start soon
  79. EmreA yes at 1700 utc
  80. EmreA right?
  81. michaeltallovsky yes
  82. michaeltallovsky draw needed
  83. Teachmetimes2 dam
  84. EmreA coldgreen
  85. EmreA you were talking about a trap in chat
  86. EmreA which position if i may ask
  87. EmreA test