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1c40.0e5+0.12g3+0.1Nf6+0.23Bg2+0.1d5+0.24cxd5+0.2Nxd5+0.15Nc3+0.1Nb6+0.26Nf30.0Nc60.07O-O0.0Be70.08d30.0O-O0.09a30.0Re80.010Rb10.0Bf80.011Bd20.0Nd4+0.112b40.0Bg4+0.213Ne1−0.2a50.014Bxb7−0.1axb4−0.215axb4−0.2Ra30.016f3−0.1Bh30.017Ng2?−1.6...Mistake. Rf2 was best.17.Rf2Qd718.e3[...]17...Ra7−1.518e3−2.0Rxb7−1.819exd4−1.9Qxd4+−1.820Kh1−2.3Qxd3−2.421Qe2?!−3.5...Inaccuracy. Ne4 was best.21.Ne4Nc422.Bg5[...]21...Qxe2−3.322Nxe2−3.4Nc4−3.423Bc1−3.3Rxb4−2.924Rxb4−3.0Bxb4−3.025Ng1−3.3Be6−3.226Ne3−3.6Rd8−3.627Ne2?!−4.7...Inaccuracy. Nxc4 was best.27.Nxc4Bxc427...Nxe3−4.628Bxe3−4.3Bc4?!−3.0Inaccuracy. Rd3 was best.28...Rd329.Ba7Ra3[...]29Rf2??−6.2...Blunder. Rb1 was best.29.Rb1c530.Ng1[...]29...Rd3−5.9
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.03.27"] [White "Alex_slow"] [Black "ghdef457"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2017.03.27"] [UTCTime "15:59:53"] [WhiteElo "2272"] [BlackElo "2320"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-10"] [BlackRatingDiff "+12"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A29"] [Opening "English Opening: King's English Variation, Four Knights Variation, Fianchetto Line, with Nb6"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. c4 e5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. Nc3 Nb6 6. Nf3 Nc6 { A29 English Opening: King's English Variation, Four Knights Variation, Fianchetto Line, with Nb6 } 7. O-O Be7 8. d3 O-O 9. a3 Re8 10. Rb1 Bf8 11. Bd2 Nd4 12. b4 Bg4 13. Ne1 a5 14. Bxb7 axb4 15. axb4 Ra3 16. f3 Bh3 17. Ng2? { (-0.01 → -1.64) Mistake. Rf2 was best. } (17. Rf2 Qd7 18. e3 c6 19. exd4 exd4 20. Bxc6 Qxc6 21. Ne2 Nd5 22. Nxd4 Qb6 23. Qc1 Ra4) 17... Ra7 18. e3 Rxb7 19. exd4 Qxd4+ 20. Kh1 Qxd3 21. Qe2?! { (-2.44 → -3.54) Inaccuracy. Ne4 was best. } (21. Ne4 Nc4 22. Bg5 Qxd1 23. Rfxd1 f6 24. Rdc1 Nd6 25. Nxd6 cxd6 26. Bd2 d5 27. Ne1 Ra8) 21... Qxe2 22. Nxe2 Nc4 23. Bc1 Rxb4 24. Rxb4 Bxb4 25. Ng1 Be6 26. Ne3 Rd8 27. Ne2?! { (-3.56 → -4.75) Inaccuracy. Nxc4 was best. } (27. Nxc4 Bxc4) 27... Nxe3 28. Bxe3 Bc4?! { (-4.28 → -2.98) Inaccuracy. Rd3 was best. } (28... Rd3 29. Ba7 Ra3 30. Bf2 Rxf3 31. Kg2 Bd5 32. Rc1 c5 33. Kf1 c4 34. Rd1 Rd3 35. Rb1) 29. Rf2?? { (-2.98 → -6.21) Blunder. Rb1 was best. } (29. Rb1 c5 30. Ng1 Be6 31. Kg2 Rd3 32. Kf2 f6 33. Ne2 h5 34. Ra1 c4 35. Ra7 Bd5) 29... Rd3 { White resigns. } 0-1
2 inaccuracies
1 mistake
1 blunder
35 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
1 inaccuracy
0 mistakes
0 blunders
14 Average centipawn loss
  1. hicetnunc I think Bd2 is unusual in this set-up
  2. DETERMINATION If white wants to play for a win, I'd probably expect 13. Ne1 with the idea of playing h3 and e3, just driving the black pieces back.
  3. NoKlu Which board is this supposed to be? 1?
  4. Mooserohde yes
  5. ghdef457 c6 probably was a better move than Bg4, but screw it, this is more active
  6. Alex_slow hm, not bad, maybe that's why I should have put my bishop on e3 earlier...
  7. doberm4n seems to be Bishop was active on it's home square. White has space advantage on QS. Dynamic center, so Black should challenge center
  8. CarlosSilva96 wait is it normal for people to just chat away during their games here?
  9. DETERMINATION Yeah, the players can't see any of it until after the game
  10. DETERMINATION @doberm4n, how do you recommend doing so?
  11. doberm4n for newcomers: "whipser" command allows players to talk to the chat, and their opponent cannot see.
  12. Alex_slow ne1? Looks not brilliant, but avoids isolated d3
  13. doberm4n @determination not sure.. c5, Bf5, e4
  14. DETERMINATION c5 is tricky to get working, white can typically respond bxc5 and the open b file works well for his rook.
  15. doberm4n true, but black can recap w/ DSB and have an active post which takes d4
  16. Lightsss Ne1 is fairly thematic
  17. DETERMINATION In that case, wouldn't you rather play a5?
  18. Lightsss its only that or Nxd4 which leaves a potential exploitable backward pawn
  19. Lightsss though you could mechanically block with Ne4 and f5 could be weird
  20. ghdef457 wow, I wasn't expecting him to move to e1 at all
  21. DETERMINATION @lightss, is Ng5 a no-go there?
  22. ghdef457 it felt too passive to me, now time to see if my instincts were right
  23. Lightsss i mean, of course you cant play f5 right away
  24. Lukhas 13. Ne1 exclam
  25. doberm4n black has no other option but to fight in center
  26. Lightsss theres Qb3 Nf7
  27. Lightsss so Nxd4 could be working tactically, yeah
  28. Lightsss i would not feel good about it
  29. CarlosSilva96 I'm pretty sure I take black here
  30. DETERMINATION Sorry, meant 13. Ng5
  31. Lukhas same
  32. Lukhas center, developped pieces
  33. Lightsss it doesnt look natural to me
  34. Lukhas did black start the game first?
  35. Lightsss i guess you can use that to route to e4
  36. Lightsss however, with a black knight on d4, black can play f5 much more easily
  37. Lightsss because no Qb3 ideas
  38. Alex_slow giving away a pawn on b7?
  39. DETERMINATION trading it for white's a+b pawns
  40. Lightsss thats a sick move right there
  41. Lightsss i dont see it. Bxb7 Rb8 Bg2 +-
  42. Lightsss so it can be Bxb7 axb4?
  44. Lightsss yeah, thats it for sure
  45. CarlosSilva96 Yeah its a dubious sacrifice at best
  46. hicetnunc now Bd2 will find a job defending b4 : maybe that's its main role on d2 in the first place :-)
  47. DETERMINATION Interesting that axb4 wasn't instant... Black should have had this all worked out before he played ...a5, no?
  48. Lightsss yeah but cant really blame him
  49. CarlosSilva96 blacks playing to fast
  50. Mooserohde measure twice cut once
  51. Lightsss if theres a mistake in calc he loses instantly
  52. DETERMINATION For sure, just odd time management
  53. ghdef457 might've overrrated this line a bit, but we'll see
  54. hicetnunc so that's the idea : 16...Rxc3 and ...Bxe2
  55. Alex_slow rxc3 is a tread
  56. yago666 yep
  57. yago666 or Nxe2 picking up the bishop
  58. yago666 any capture on e2 is deadly
  59. DETERMINATION So, does white have to play f3?
  60. hicetnunc looks like
  61. ghdef457 also should probably start playing slower, but that's been my problem forever due to liking blitz more than classical
  62. DETERMINATION Man that's ugly
  63. CarlosSilva96 could always go Bf3 no?
  64. Lightsss -+ def
  65. DETERMINATION Bf3 is losing d3 I believe
  66. hicetnunc problem with 16.f3 is that Bb7 will be short of squares...
  67. CarlosSilva96 no take with the pawn not the knight
  68. DETERMINATION and after Bf5?
  69. doberm4n white might have tried to neutralize the d4 knight sooner
  70. CarlosSilva96 Qe2 or c2? the N on e1 covers
  71. Lightsss yeah this is going downhill really quickly
  72. Alex_slow f3 bh3 ng2 c6 b5, do I miss smth?
  73. CarlosSilva96 or maybe even just Ne4
  74. DETERMINATION White's definitely cramped, but solid and up the pawn... Black has some work to do.
  75. Lightsss i think black is just better
  76. CarlosSilva96 ah Bh3 would do the trick though, forcing Ng2 and d3 just directly hangs
  78. CarlosSilva96 yeah what Alex posted
  79. hicetnunc 16.f3 Bh3 17.Ng2 Ra7 18.Be4 f5 no ?
  80. Alex_slow yeah, he can attack the bishop directly without c6, after f3 there is no much place to go...
  81. hicetnunc Alex can't see the chat, right ?
  83. Lightsss yeah this looks terrible
  84. Lightsss the more you look the more you hate it
  85. hicetnunc so 13...a5 looks like a brilliant pawn sac played pretty fast :-)
  86. ghdef457 yeah, I think I get a pawn back at most after f3 here
  87. CarlosSilva96 its not losing or anything though, even if e2 collapses its still equal material in a drawish kind of position
  88. doberm4n can white play Qc1 here and give up the exchange?
  89. ghdef457 but he does need to be somewhat careful
  90. Lightsss e2 collapsing is nearly losing
  91. Lightsss d3 is forever weak
  92. DETERMINATION Qc1 Rxc3! and the fork on e2 is fatal
  93. Lightsss while its not as easy to build play against c7
  94. bosspotato white played far too passively in the opening
  95. DETERMINATION @lightsss, f3 Bh3 Rf2 too clumsy?
  96. CarlosSilva96 white will get d4 in at the end
  97. doberm4n yikes
  98. Alex_slow looks bad
  99. Lightsss f3 seems quite forced
  100. Lightsss but its not what you signed for
  101. Lightsss the Bb7 is a target
  102. CarlosSilva96 and white has bishop pair
  103. Lightsss if you could find a decent way to sac the exchange as white
  104. Lightsss that could help
  105. Lightsss like Bh3 and some constructive move, but i am not sure even that exists
  106. CarlosSilva96 I think either Bg2 or Qc1
  107. CarlosSilva96 ah no Qc1 just loses immediately
  108. DETERMINATION @Carlos, Qc1 Rxc3 -+
  109. Lightsss probably just have to suck it up with the f3 Rf2 line
  110. DETERMINATION I'm really not convinved that's so bad for white
  111. Lightsss and then.. Qb8? Ra7? into f5
  112. hicetnunc rather Ra7 as Qb8 loses control of d5
  113. Lightsss yeah right, Ra7 is superior. then..
  114. Lightsss white is forced to play Be4 f5 e3
  115. Lightsss and who knows if that even works
  116. DETERMINATION fe4 ed4, white has weaknesses but still the extra pawn
  117. hicetnunc by elimination it may be the only path for white
  118. Lightsss i mean black can just move the knight
  119. Lightsss and?
  120. CarlosSilva96 Bg2 Rxc3 f3 whats wrong with this?
  121. hicetnunc ah yes, that's a good idea
  123. DETERMINATION You can't have to sac on c3
  124. Alex_slow sad decision - there will be e3 on some point, but it does not look good
  125. ghdef457 This is a mistake I think
  126. Anna_Nass maybe Bf3 was good move for white
  127. ghdef457 Rf2 was better
  128. Anna_Nass not f3
  129. yago666 no
  130. DETERMINATION If you move the knight, aren't you giving away the c6 square?
  131. yago666 loses d3
  132. CarlosSilva96 I'm not so convinced Bg2 Na4 was a problem
  133. Anna_Nass no ;)
  134. Anna_Nass white can't loose the d3 pawn
  135. Alex_slow ra7 is a move, did not he see it earlier?
  136. Lightsss yeah ok, white might be fine
  137. DETERMINATION I mean it's ugly as sin
  138. DETERMINATION fine might be an overstatement
  139. DETERMINATION but not collapsing immediately
  140. Mooserohde the situation isn't as bad, but it's still not great
  141. Alex_slow so, e3 or first be4 f5 e3?
  142. DETERMINATION This should be losing for white though... Pieces are too tied up
  143. Sleightly Well the Bishop is a goner. Black should be take the whole point. Playing amazingly fast though
  144. CarlosSilva96 Ugly pawn structure, down the bishop pair, weak light squares, this is just lost
  145. CarlosSilva96 Bg2 was better
  146. Mooserohde yeah that bg2 Rxc3 f3 line was probably best in the end
  147. Sleightly ... Nc5 is coming and White is bleeding more material
  148. ghdef457 even here I think Rf2 was better than Kh1
  149. Lightsss i dont doubt that
  150. Lightsss but why?
  151. Sleightly ... Nc4*
  152. DETERMINATION @lights, you're talking to one of the players.
  153. Lightsss its usually not good practice to walk into more pins
  154. Lightsss maybe you can clear it up
  155. ghdef457 and Qe2 just gifts me another pawn unless I'm missing something
  156. Lightsss is this the reason why Kh1 sucks?
  157. yago666 its one reason
  158. yago666 this is lost
  159. yago666 can't protect b4 and e3 at the same time
  160. ghdef457 those pieces on f1 and g2 really cripple his position
  161. Sleightly ... c5 is coming and liquidation into a winning endgame is probably the simplest
  162. Alex_slow bc3 bxg2 kxg2 ne3, otherwise two pawns down. time to resign? :)
  163. Sleightly Just ... Rd8 activating the Rook and what does white do?
  164. bosspotato resign
  165. ghdef457 on one hand, I really want to take the knight and exchange some material
  166. Sleightly Nxc5 Bxc5 Rf2 Rd1 is pretty
  167. ghdef457 on the other hand, his pieces are so uncoordinated that it's not really necessary
  168. Sleightly Whoops. Nxc3 bxc3 bc4 ruhroh
  169. ghdef457 got disconnected there for aminute, gotta love estonian internet
  170. CarlosSilva96 yeah Rf2 Rd1+ Rg2 Re1 should do the trick
  171. CarlosSilva96 Kg2^
  172. Sleightly Piece and a passed pawn looks good
  173. Alex_slow ok, I have had enough. sorry team
  174. CarlosSilva96 gg guys
  175. ghdef457 after 17. Ng2 it all went downhill
  176. yago666 bg2 na4 is -0.8 so that wasnt an alternative
  177. Sleightly Wait were the players in here?
  178. yago666 Rf2 was needed it seems
  179. yago666 no
  180. doberm4n gg
  181. DETERMINATION I think we worked out f3 Bh3 Rf2 worked ok
  182. ghdef457 we can comment during the game
  183. CarlosSilva96 it goes down to -0.4 so it was
  184. DETERMINATION Nice effort guys
  185. CarlosSilva96 Bg2 is simpler to play in my opinion too
  186. ghdef457 I liked lukhas's comment about black starting the game first :D
  187. yago666 the computer line for Bg2 looks bad
  188. CarlosSilva96 yeah Bd7 looks strong there.
  189. CarlosSilva96 @ghdef457 a5 was really nice
  190. ghdef457 thanks!
  191. ghdef457 I didn't think he would take on b7 though
  192. ghdef457 because he has to be really careful after that
  193. ghdef457 that's why I took some time to recheck axb4 line
  194. ghdef457 thinking I had missed something really obvious
  195. CarlosSilva96 yeah nobody in chat really saw Ra3 and how strong it was
  196. ghdef457 I think Determination kinda did
  197. ghdef457 but yeah, this position just feels too clumsy for white
  198. ghdef457 might've also blundered some stuff just out of frustration had I been white here