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1g30.0d5+0.22Bg2−0.3Nf6+0.23d4+0.1Bf50.04c4+0.1c6+0.15Qb3+0.1Qd7?!+0.9Inaccuracy. Qb6 was best.5...Qb66.Nf3Nbd7[...]6cxd5+0.4cxd5+0.57Nc3+0.2e6+0.48Nf3+0.5Nc6+0.49O-O+0.1Bd6+0.210Bf4−0.2Bxf4−0.111gxf4−0.2O-O−0.212e3−0.3Rfc8−0.213Rfc1−0.4Na5−0.214Qd1−0.2a6+0.215Ne5+0.2Qe8+0.316Bf1?!−0.2...Inaccuracy. Na4 was best.16.Na4Qd817.Rxc8[...]16...b5+0.317Bd3?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. a4 was best.17.a4Nc418.axb5[...]17...Ne4−0.618Ne2??−2.6...Blunder. Qh5 was best.18.Qh5g618...f6−2.419Nf3?!−3.9...Inaccuracy. Qe1 was best.19.Qe1fxe519...Bg4??−1.3Blunder. Qg6+ was best.19...Qg6+20.Kf1Nc4[...]20Ng3−1.4Nxg3−1.621hxg3−1.4Qh5?0.0Mistake. Nc4 was best.21...Nc422.Rc2Qh5[...]22Be2−0.1Nc40.023b30.0Nd60.024Kg20.0Qh3+−0.325Kg1−0.1Qh5−0.226Kg2−1.2Qh3+−1.127Kg1−1.4Ne4−1.428Nh2??−3.7...Blunder. Ng5 was best.28.Ng5Rxc128...Bxe2??−0.9Blunder. Nxf2 was best.28...Nxf229Qxe2−1.0Nc3−0.930Qd3−1.0b4−0.731a3−0.9a5−0.832axb4?!−1.7...Inaccuracy. Rc2 was best.32.Rc232...axb4−1.733Nf3−1.5Qh5?+0.1Mistake. Ra3 was best.33...Ra334.Ne134Kg2+0.1Qg6+0.135Qxg6+0.1hxg60.036Ne10.0Ra30.037Nd3?!−0.9...Inaccuracy. Rab1 was best.37.Rab1Kh738.Nd3[...]37...Rxb3?!0.0Inaccuracy. Rca8 was best.37...Rca838.Nxb438Ra60.0Re8+0.139Nc50.0Rb20.040Rb60.0Ne4?!+0.8Inaccuracy. g5 was best.40...g541.Rb7g4[...]41Nxe4+0.8dxe4+0.842Rc7+0.8Kh7+0.843Rbb7+0.8Rg8+1.144Rc4?!+0.2...Inaccuracy. Re7 was best.44.Re7Kh645.g4[...]44...Ra8?!+1.2Inaccuracy. Kh6 was best.44...Kh645Rcxb4?!+0.3...Inaccuracy. Rcc7 was best.45.Rcc7Rg846.Re7[...]45...Rc2+0.646Rb2+0.3Rc1+0.847Rb1+0.3Rxb1+0.348Rxb1+0.3Ra6?!+0.9Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best.48...Kg849.Rb6Kf7[...]49g4?!+0.3...Inaccuracy. Rb8 was best.49.Rb8g550.fxg5[...]49...g5?!+1.2Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best.49...Kg850.Rb3Kf7[...]50fxg5+1.4Kg6?!+2.1Inaccuracy. fxg5 was best.50...fxg551.Rb551gxf6+2.1gxf6+1.852Rb8+1.5Ra2+1.553Kg3+1.4Rc2?!+2.2Inaccuracy. Ra1 was best.53...Ra154.Rb7Rg1+[...]54Rb6+2.1Kf7+2.155g5?+0.8...Mistake. Rb7+ was best.55.Rb7+Kf856.g5[...]55...f5??+2.8Blunder. fxg5 was best.55...fxg556.Rb5Kf6[...]56g6+??+0.9...Blunder. Kf4 was best.56.Kf456...Kf6+1.157d5+1.0Kxg6+1.058Rxe6+?!+0.1...Inaccuracy. Kf4 was best.58.Kf4Rxf2+59.Ke5[...]58...Kg5+0.159f4+0.0exf30.060Kxf3+0.1Rd2+0.161Rd6+0.1Ra2+0.162Rb6+0.1Rd2+0.163Rb5+0.1Kf6+0.164Kf4+0.1Rf2++0.165Kg3+0.1Rd2+0.166Ra5+0.1Ke5+0.167d6++0.1Kxd6+0.168Rxf5+0.1Ke6+0.169Ra5+0.1Rb2+0.170Kf4+0.1Rb4++0.171e4+0.1Rb1+0.172Ra6++0.1Ke7+0.173Kf5+0.1Rb5+?!+1.0Inaccuracy. Rf1+ was best.73...Rf1+74.Ke5Rb1[...]74e5+1.0Rb1+1.075Ra7++1.0Ke8+1.076Kf6+1.0Kd8??+17.3Blunder. Re1 was best.76...Re177.Ra6Kd8[...]77Ra8++12.3Kd7?!#23Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kc7 was best.77...Kc778.e678e6+#22Kd6#2579Rd8++55.3Kc7?!#20Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kc5 was best.79...Kc580.e780e7#19Rf1+#1981Kg5#18Rg1+#1882Kf4#18
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.04.16"] [White "SycoraxCirce"] [Black "Silkthewanderer"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2020.04.16"] [UTCTime "07:01:00"] [WhiteElo "2123"] [BlackElo "2034"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+10"] [BlackRatingDiff "-10"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A00"] [Opening "Hungarian Opening"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. g3 { A00 Hungarian Opening } d5 2. Bg2 Nf6 3. d4 Bf5 4. c4 c6 5. Qb3 Qd7?! { (0.11 → 0.86) Inaccuracy. Qb6 was best. } (5... Qb6 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. Nc3 Qxb3 8. axb3 e6 9. c5 h6 10. b4) 6. cxd5 cxd5 7. Nc3 e6 8. Nf3 Nc6 9. O-O Bd6 10. Bf4 Bxf4 11. gxf4 O-O 12. e3 Rfc8 13. Rfc1 Na5 14. Qd1 a6 15. Ne5 Qe8 16. Bf1?! { (0.34 → -0.21) Inaccuracy. Na4 was best. } (16. Na4 Qd8 17. Rxc8 Rxc8 18. Nc5 Qb6 19. Qd2 Nc6 20. Rc1 a5 21. Na4 Qb4 22. Qxb4 axb4) 16... b5 17. Bd3?! { (0.25 → -0.74) Inaccuracy. a4 was best. } (17. a4 Nc4 18. axb5 axb5 19. Rxa8 Rxa8 20. b3 Nd6 21. Ne2 Qb8 22. Rc6 h5 23. Qe1 h4) 17... Ne4 18. Ne2?? { (-0.64 → -2.64) Blunder. Qh5 was best. } (18. Qh5 g6) 18... f6 19. Nf3?! { (-2.43 → -3.92) Inaccuracy. Qe1 was best. } (19. Qe1 fxe5) 19... Bg4?? { (-3.92 → -1.27) Blunder. Qg6+ was best. } (19... Qg6+ 20. Kf1 Nc4 21. Bxe4 Bh3+ 22. Ke1 dxe4 23. Rxc4 Rxc4 24. Nfg1 Qg2 25. Rc1 Bg4 26. Rxc4) 20. Ng3 Nxg3 21. hxg3 Qh5? { (-1.44 → 0.00) Mistake. Nc4 was best. } (21... Nc4 22. Rc2 Qh5 23. Be2 Bf5 24. Rcc1 Nxb2 25. Nh4 Nxd1 26. Bxh5 Nc3 27. Nxf5 exf5 28. Bf3) 22. Be2 Nc4 23. b3 Nd6 24. Kg2 Qh3+ 25. Kg1 Qh5 26. Kg2 Qh3+ 27. Kg1 Ne4 28. Nh2?? { (-1.39 → -3.67) Blunder. Ng5 was best. } (28. Ng5 Rxc1) 28... Bxe2?? { (-3.67 → -0.89) Blunder. Nxf2 was best. } (28... Nxf2) 29. Qxe2 Nc3 30. Qd3 b4 31. a3 a5 32. axb4?! { (-0.81 → -1.71) Inaccuracy. Rc2 was best. } (32. Rc2) 32... axb4 33. Nf3 Qh5? { (-1.47 → 0.09) Mistake. Ra3 was best. } (33... Ra3 34. Ne1) 34. Kg2 Qg6 35. Qxg6 hxg6 36. Ne1 Ra3 37. Nd3?! { (0.00 → -0.91) Inaccuracy. Rab1 was best. } (37. Rab1 Kh7 38. Nd3 Nxb1 39. Rxc8 Rxb3 40. Nc5 Rb2 41. Nd3) 37... Rxb3?! { (-0.91 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Rca8 was best. } (37... Rca8 38. Nxb4) 38. Ra6 Re8 39. Nc5 Rb2 40. Rb6 Ne4?! { (0.00 → 0.79) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (40... g5 41. Rb7 g4 42. Nd3 Rd2 43. Nxb4 Ne4 44. Rcc7 Rxf2+ 45. Kg1 Rf3 46. Rxg7+ Kh8 47. Rh7+) 41. Nxe4 dxe4 42. Rc7 Kh7 43. Rbb7 Rg8 44. Rc4?! { (1.14 → 0.24) Inaccuracy. Re7 was best. } (44. Re7 Kh6 45. g4 g5 46. fxg5+ fxg5 47. Rxe6+ Kh7 48. Rf7 b3 49. Rxe4 Rd2 50. Ree7 b2) 44... Ra8?! { (0.24 → 1.23) Inaccuracy. Kh6 was best. } (44... Kh6) 45. Rcxb4?! { (1.23 → 0.34) Inaccuracy. Rcc7 was best. } (45. Rcc7 Rg8 46. Re7 Kh6 47. g4 g5 48. fxg5+ fxg5 49. Rxe6+ Kh7 50. Rf7 b3 51. Rxe4 Rd2) 45... Rc2 46. Rb2 Rc1 47. Rb1 Rxb1 48. Rxb1 Ra6?! { (0.34 → 0.90) Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best. } (48... Kg8 49. Rb6 Kf7 50. g4 Ra2 51. Kg3 Ra3 52. Rb7+ Kf8 53. Rb2 Ra1 54. Rb3 Rg1+ 55. Kh3) 49. g4?! { (0.90 → 0.34) Inaccuracy. Rb8 was best. } (49. Rb8 g5 50. fxg5 f5 51. Re8 Kg6 52. Re7 Kxg5 53. Rxg7+ Kf6 54. Rg8 Ra1 55. g4 Rb1) 49... g5?! { (0.34 → 1.15) Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best. } (49... Kg8 50. Rb3 Kf7 51. f3 exf3+ 52. Kxf3 g5 53. f5 Ra7 54. Rb5 exf5 55. Rxf5 Ke6 56. Ke4) 50. fxg5 Kg6?! { (1.41 → 2.07) Inaccuracy. fxg5 was best. } (50... fxg5 51. Rb5) 51. gxf6 gxf6 52. Rb8 Ra2 53. Kg3 Rc2?! { (1.43 → 2.19) Inaccuracy. Ra1 was best. } (53... Ra1 54. Rb7 Rg1+ 55. Kf4 Rg2 56. Re7 e5+ 57. dxe5 Rxf2+ 58. Kxe4 fxe5 59. Re8 Rg2 60. Kf3) 54. Rb6 Kf7 55. g5? { (2.09 → 0.75) Mistake. Rb7+ was best. } (55. Rb7+ Kf8 56. g5 fxg5 57. Rb5 Ke7 58. Rxg5 Rb2 59. Rg4 Kd7 60. Rxe4 Rb8 61. Rg4 Rb5) 55... f5?? { (0.75 → 2.77) Blunder. fxg5 was best. } (55... fxg5 56. Rb5 Kf6 57. Re5 Rb2 58. Rxe4 Rb5 59. Kf3 Kf5 60. Rg4 Rb1 61. Rg3 Ra1 62. Rg2) 56. g6+?? { (2.77 → 0.90) Blunder. Kf4 was best. } (56. Kf4) 56... Kf6 57. d5 Kxg6 58. Rxe6+?! { (1.01 → 0.09) Inaccuracy. Kf4 was best. } (58. Kf4 Rxf2+ 59. Ke5 Rd2 60. dxe6 Ra2 61. e7+ Kf7 62. Re6 Ra8 63. Kxf5 Ra5+ 64. Kxe4 Ke8) 58... Kg5 59. f4+ exf3 60. Kxf3 Rd2 61. Rd6 Ra2 62. Rb6 Rd2 63. Rb5 Kf6 64. Kf4 Rf2+ 65. Kg3 Rd2 66. Ra5 Ke5 67. d6+ Kxd6 68. Rxf5 Ke6 69. Ra5 Rb2 70. Kf4 Rb4+ 71. e4 Rb1 72. Ra6+ Ke7 73. Kf5 Rb5+?! { (0.09 → 1.01) Inaccuracy. Rf1+ was best. } (73... Rf1+ 74. Ke5 Rb1 75. Ra7+ Ke8 76. Kf6 Rb6+ 77. Kf5 Kd8 78. Rf7 Rb1 79. e5 Ke8 80. Rh7) 74. e5 Rb1 75. Ra7+ Ke8 76. Kf6 Kd8?? { (1.01 → 17.27) Blunder. Re1 was best. } (76... Re1 77. Ra6 Kd8 78. Rd6+ Ke8 79. Re6+ Kf8 80. Rb6 Ke8 81. Ke6 Kd8 82. Rb8+ Kc7 83. Rb4) 77. Ra8+ Kd7?! { (12.27 → Mate in 23) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kc7 was best. } (77... Kc7 78. e6) 78. e6+ Kd6 79. Rd8+ Kc7?! { (55.28 → Mate in 20) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kc5 was best. } (79... Kc5 80. e7) 80. e7 Rf1+ 81. Kg5 Rg1+ 82. Kf4 { Black resigns. } 1-0
9 inaccuracies
1 mistake
3 blunders
26 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
11 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
4 blunders
39 Average centipawn loss
  1. Silkthewanderer Well I got caught completely offguard by a flank opening.
  2. Silkthewanderer I guess I'll try to build the ideal Slav structure and ask what the plan is supposed to be.
  3. SycoraxCirce 5 nothing special, just getting some pieces out
  4. SycoraxCirce most likely he goes Qb6
  5. SycoraxCirce he might overthink it and play Qc8 which probably is an inferior move
  6. Silkthewanderer part of this think was life happening, part was genuine.
  7. Silkthewanderer usually you want to answer Qb3 with Qb6 but queen trade, pawn trade, Nc3 looked bad for me.
  8. Silkthewanderer This is tricky. I really need Na4 b5 Nb6 Rc1 Rc1 Rb8 to work.
  9. Silkthewanderer Qa4 can be answered with Qa4 Na4 Rc2
  10. dystopia753 17
  11. dystopia753 17... Bg4 Be2 Bf5 Bd3 draw agreed
  12. SycoraxCirce 17 lots of elements to think about, I'm probably a little worse but he has the clock to worry about
  13. dystopia753 Nvm I'm blind :)
  14. SycoraxCirce doesnt look like I have the time to prepare a kingside attack
  15. Silkthewanderer I can take on e4 with a pawn and play f6. The position should work, time seems like a bigger issue
  16. SycoraxCirce 17 theres a variation trapping my e5 knight that I didnt like
  17. BrikNJ wow less than 20 moves and they burned quite a hole in their time
  18. SycoraxCirce 20 I calculated this far.. hopefully no surprises at the end of the line
  19. BrikNJ 21 hxg3 then white can maybe attack on the h-file
  20. SycoraxCirce 21... Nc4 first might have been more scary
  21. BrikNJ 22 Be2 but that pin looks devastating
  22. BrikNJ or 22 Kg2 but then Qh3+ ?
  23. SycoraxCirce maybe my Bf4 move earlier was just wrong, he got a lot of pressure
  24. BrikNJ does rerouting Nb2 to Nd3 do anthing
  25. Silkthewanderer Kg2 seems like the only move now.
  26. BrikNJ whites queen is pinned to protecting the piece, Kg2 seems necessary but black can take a draw
  27. BrikNJ I predict black takes the draw because of time
  28. BrikNJ Nxf2
  29. BrikNJ 28...Nxf2 seems to break down whites position
  30. SycoraxCirce 28 now if Nc3 then Rxc3
  31. SycoraxCirce I might actually turn this around
  32. BrikNJ please play Nxf2 for the boys
  33. SycoraxCirce but in fact I am still worse
  34. BrikNJ now that I've analyzed it 28....Nxf2 is a blunder. Wins two pawns but loses a piece
  35. Silkthewanderer A really out of the Box move now would be g4 so I can't reroute my queen as quickly. Not sure if it is any good, though.
  36. SycoraxCirce 36 at last he did some inaccuracies, maybe I'm slightly better now
  37. SycoraxCirce probably not
  38. BrikNJ Rxb3 Nc5 Rb2 Nxc6 maybewhite is back in the game
  39. BrikNJ theres no way white takes on c6 right now
  40. BrikNJ maybe Rb6 first
  41. BrikNJ now 41...e5 ?
  42. Black offers draw
  43. SycoraxCirce 41 question is if I can put pigs on the seventh and try something
  44. White declines draw
  45. SycoraxCirce ..but he can put HIS pigs on the seventh
  46. BrikNJ Re7 and white goes pawn hunting?
  47. BrikNJ if 45 Rc7 Raa2 then Rcxg7+ Kh6 Rgh7#
  48. Antaniserse I guess with the idea fxg5 f5
  49. SycoraxCirce 50 that looks like an extra pawn for me
  50. Antaniserse f5 wouls have probably recovered the pawn on g5 anyway, now it's a clean extra...
  51. BrikNJ yes this position looks winning for white but takes a lot of work
  52. Antaniserse all pawns on one wing makes a difficult conversion, but then again white can grind it on forever with zero risk
  53. SycoraxCirce that e4-pawn looks weak, maybe winning for me, maybe not
  54. Silkthewanderer I really missed how dangerous this rook endgame would become. It should still be drawn, let's see if I can do this.
  55. Antaniserse can't really take, as I think Rb5+Re5 is dangerous... so f5 and hope for the best
  56. SycoraxCirce 57 I thought I had d5 here
  57. BrikNJ oooooo
  58. Unavitadistenti f4 here?
  59. BrikNJ en passant forced then
  60. BrikNJ i mean unless they then go Kh5
  61. Unavitadistenti Kh5 spells doom
  62. Antaniserse which would be kind of tricky, since then both Kings will be cut off with only h3/g3 and h5/g5 to go
  63. BrikNJ i think if f4 draw is sure to happen
  64. Unavitadistenti what other ideas are there? maybe simply push?
  65. BrikNJ nvm king cant go Kh5
  66. BrikNJ because Rf6 and black king cannot return to defend
  67. BrikNJ so if f4 en passant forced
  68. BrikNJ Rd2 no? why is black thinking here for so long whats wrong
  69. SycoraxCirce 66 doesnt look like a win now, probably was earlier
  70. SycoraxCirce 74 suddenly winning chances again?
  71. SycoraxCirce whatever happens, a good fighting game
  72. collinb9 Yeah white is winning here with the rook on the 6th rank right?
  73. Silkthewanderer wow. I misgandled an elementary Philidor endgame. I am SO pissed with me right now.
  74. ECelal gg
  75. Unavitadistenti gg
  76. SycoraxCirce lucky win for me
  77. Silkthewanderer Wow. I find all the hard moves and suddenly forget how to draw Philidor
  78. lucrae Damn good game
  79. SycoraxCirce thank you