IM James78 Lichess coach picture

IM Jaime Valmana

Para llegar a la cima no tienes que superar a los demás, sólo has de superarte a ti mismo.

LocationMonteolivete, Valencia Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English
RatingFIDE: 241426042319
Hourly rate20€/hour
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I´'m a spanish 30 years old chess player and trainer.

Playing experience

Teaching experience

I've been teaching chess in schools, private and group lessons for 5 years long.
Interview as a chess coach:

Other experiences

We´'ve just launched a new chess club in Valencia which is called CA Monteolivete and we really want to promote chess at any of it´'s forms.

Best skills

Chess is a game of ideas, understand which are the most important ones at every position.

Teaching methodology

Whatever the student wants to focus on, but I do like to emphasize how important it is to link opening and middlegame plans.