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1c4+0.2e6+0.32g3+0.4d5+0.33Bg2+0.1Nf6+0.34Nf3+0.1Bd7+0.65d3+0.5Bb4++0.56Nc3?!−0.3...Inaccuracy. Nbd2 was best.6.Nbd2O-O6...Bc6??+1.4Blunder. dxc4 was best.6...dxc47.dxc4Bxc3+[...]7Bd2?+0.2...Mistake. cxd5 was best.7.cxd57...dxc4+0.68dxc4+0.7O-O+0.69a3+0.6Bc5?!+1.4Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best.9...Bxc310.Bxc310b4+1.2Bd4+1.411O-O+1.3Ne4?+2.5Mistake. Bxf3 was best.11...Bxf312.Bxf3c6[...]12Nxd4+2.5Qxd4+2.513Nxe4+2.5Bxe4+2.514Rc1?+0.8...Mistake. Bf4 was best.14.Bf4Qxd114...Bxg2+0.815Kxg2+0.9Nc6?!+1.7Inaccuracy. Rd8 was best.15...Rd816Be3??0.0...Blunder. b5 was best.16.b5Ne516...Qe4+−0.117Kg1−0.1Rfd8+0.118Qc2−0.2Qxc2−0.219Rxc2−0.3Nd4+0.220Rd2+0.2Nf5+0.221Rfd1?!−0.3...Inaccuracy. Rxd8+ was best.21.Rxd8+21...Rxd2−0.122Bxd2−0.2Rd8−0.123Kf1−0.2Kf80.024Ke1−0.3Ke80.025Bf4+0.1Rxd1++0.126Kxd1+0.1Kd70.027Kd2+0.1c6+0.228Kd3+0.3Ne7+0.429g4+0.2Ng6+0.130Bg3+0.2e5+0.231h4−0.1Ke6−0.132Ke4−0.2f6−0.133h5−0.2Ne7−0.334f4−0.3f5+−0.635gxf5+−0.1Nxf5−0.336Bh2−0.7Nd6+−0.637Kd3−0.7exf4−0.638Bxf4−0.7Nf7?!+0.1Inaccuracy. Ne8 was best.38...Ne839.Be3a6[...]39e4?!−0.6...Inaccuracy. Kd4 was best.39.Kd4g640.hxg6[...]39...Ne5+−0.540Kc3−0.8Nd7−0.741Kd4−0.6Nf6−0.542h6?!−1.4...Inaccuracy. Bb8 was best.42.Bb8c5+42...gxh6−1.243Bxh6−1.1Ng4−1.444Bg5−1.5h5−1.445b5?!−2.4...Inaccuracy. Bh4 was best.45.Bh4Ne545...cxb5??0.0Blunder. Ne5 was best.45...Ne546.Bd8Ng6[...]46cxb50.0Ne50.047Bf40.0Nd70.048a4−0.2h4−0.249Bh2??−5.0...Blunder. a5 was best.49.a5h350.Ke3[...]49...h3??−0.3Blunder. Nf6 was best.49...Nf650.Bb8h3[...]50Bg3??−5.6...Blunder. Ke3 was best.50.Ke3Nb651.Kf3[...]50...Nb6??−0.3Blunder. Nf6 was best.50...Nf651.a5b6[...]51a5−0.6Nd7−0.252Ke3−0.2Kf60.053Kf4−0.2Ne50.054Bh4+−0.2Ke6−0.255Kg30.0h2−0.156Kxh2??−6.1...Blunder. Kg2 was best.56.Kg2Nc457.a6[...]56...Nf3+−6.357Kg3−6.7Nxh4−6.458Kxh4?!−10.3...Inaccuracy. Kf4 was best.58.Kf4Ng6+59.Kf3[...]58...Ke5−11.259Kg3−12.6Kxe4−11.960Kf2−59.4Kd4−58.361Ke2−11.4Kc5−12.462b6−58.9axb6−11.963axb6−58.0Kxb6−11.864Kd3−55.4Kc5−55.465Kc3−56.5Kb5−11.566Kb3−37.7b6−11.267Kc3−58.1Ka4−24.4
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.03.17"] [White "UncleVinny"] [Black "Rivimies"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2022.03.17"] [UTCTime "16:01:00"] [WhiteElo "1754"] [BlackElo "1809"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-9"] [BlackRatingDiff "+14"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A13"] [Opening "English Opening: Agincourt Defense"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. c4 e6 { A13 English Opening: Agincourt Defense } 2. g3 d5 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. Nf3 Bd7 5. d3 Bb4+ 6. Nc3?! { (0.49 → -0.32) Inaccuracy. Nbd2 was best. } (6. Nbd2 O-O) 6... Bc6?? { (-0.32 → 1.35) Blunder. dxc4 was best. } (6... dxc4 7. dxc4 Bxc3+ 8. bxc3 Bc6 9. Qxd8+ Kxd8 10. O-O Nbd7 11. Bf4 Kc8 12. Rad1 a5 13. Ne5) 7. Bd2? { (1.35 → 0.20) Mistake. cxd5 was best. } (7. cxd5) 7... dxc4 8. dxc4 O-O 9. a3 Bc5?! { (0.60 → 1.35) Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best. } (9... Bxc3 10. Bxc3) 10. b4 Bd4 11. O-O Ne4? { (1.29 → 2.54) Mistake. Bxf3 was best. } (11... Bxf3 12. Bxf3 c6 13. Rb1 Nbd7 14. e3 Bb6 15. Qc2 Ne5 16. Be2 Ned7 17. Rfd1 Qe7 18. Ne4) 12. Nxd4 Qxd4 13. Nxe4 Bxe4 14. Rc1? { (2.50 → 0.81) Mistake. Bf4 was best. } (14. Bf4 Qxd1) 14... Bxg2 15. Kxg2 Nc6?! { (0.91 → 1.74) Inaccuracy. Rd8 was best. } (15... Rd8) 16. Be3?? { (1.74 → 0.00) Blunder. b5 was best. } (16. b5 Ne5) 16... Qe4+ 17. Kg1 Rfd8 18. Qc2 Qxc2 19. Rxc2 Nd4 20. Rd2 Nf5 21. Rfd1?! { (0.23 → -0.35) Inaccuracy. Rxd8+ was best. } (21. Rxd8+) 21... Rxd2 22. Bxd2 Rd8 23. Kf1 Kf8 24. Ke1 Ke8 25. Bf4 Rxd1+ 26. Kxd1 Kd7 27. Kd2 c6 28. Kd3 Ne7 29. g4 Ng6 30. Bg3 e5 31. h4 Ke6 32. Ke4 f6 33. h5 Ne7 34. f4 f5+ 35. gxf5+ Nxf5 36. Bh2 Nd6+ 37. Kd3 exf4 38. Bxf4 Nf7?! { (-0.70 → 0.05) Inaccuracy. Ne8 was best. } (38... Ne8 39. Be3 a6 40. Kd4 Nf6 41. h6 gxh6 42. Bxh6 Nd7 43. Ke4 Kf6 44. Be3 Nf8 45. Bf2) 39. e4?! { (0.05 → -0.58) Inaccuracy. Kd4 was best. } (39. Kd4 g6 40. hxg6 hxg6 41. Bb8 a6 42. a4 g5 43. a5 Kd7 44. Bg3 Nd6 45. e4 Nf7) 39... Ne5+ 40. Kc3 Nd7 41. Kd4 Nf6 42. h6?! { (-0.47 → -1.36) Inaccuracy. Bb8 was best. } (42. Bb8 c5+) 42... gxh6 43. Bxh6 Ng4 44. Bg5 h5 45. b5?! { (-1.39 → -2.39) Inaccuracy. Bh4 was best. } (45. Bh4 Ne5) 45... cxb5?? { (-2.39 → 0.00) Blunder. Ne5 was best. } (45... Ne5 46. Bd8 Ng6 47. bxc6 bxc6 48. Ba5 Ne5 49. Bd8 Kd7 50. Bf6 Ng6 51. Ke3 c5 52. Kf2) 46. cxb5 Ne5 47. Bf4 Nd7 48. a4 h4 49. Bh2?? { (-0.21 → -4.97) Blunder. a5 was best. } (49. a5 h3 50. Ke3 Nc5 51. Kf3 a6 52. bxa6 bxa6 53. Kg3 Nxe4+ 54. Kxh3 Kf5 55. Bc7 Nd2) 49... h3?? { (-4.97 → -0.32) Blunder. Nf6 was best. } (49... Nf6 50. Bb8 h3 51. Bg3 b6 52. Be5 Ng4 53. Bf4 h2 54. Bxh2 Nxh2 55. a5 Nf3+ 56. Kd3) 50. Bg3?? { (-0.32 → -5.62) Blunder. Ke3 was best. } (50. Ke3 Nb6 51. Kf3 Nxa4 52. Bb8 Nc3 53. Bxa7 Nxb5 54. Bb6 Ke5 55. Kg3 Kxe4 56. Kxh3 Kf3) 50... Nb6?? { (-5.62 → -0.26) Blunder. Nf6 was best. } (50... Nf6 51. a5 b6 52. axb6 axb6 53. Ke3 h2 54. Bxh2 Ng4+ 55. Kf4 Nxh2 56. Kg5 Nf1 57. Kf4) 51. a5 Nd7 52. Ke3 Kf6 53. Kf4 Ne5 54. Bh4+ Ke6 55. Kg3 h2 56. Kxh2?? { (-0.06 → -6.13) Blunder. Kg2 was best. } (56. Kg2 Nc4 57. a6 b6 58. Bf2 Kd7 59. Kxh2 Kc8 60. Bg3 Na3 61. Be5 Nxb5 62. Kg3 Nc7) 56... Nf3+ 57. Kg3 Nxh4 58. Kxh4?! { (-6.39 → -10.26) Inaccuracy. Kf4 was best. } (58. Kf4 Ng6+ 59. Kf3 Ke5 60. Ke3 Kd6 61. Kf3 Ne5+ 62. Kf4 Ke6 63. Ke3 Nc4+ 64. Kd4 Nxa5) 58... Ke5 59. Kg3 Kxe4 60. Kf2 Kd4 61. Ke2 Kc5 62. b6 axb6 63. axb6 Kxb6 64. Kd3 Kc5 65. Kc3 Kb5 66. Kb3 b6 67. Kc3 Ka4 { White resigns. } 0-1
6 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
4 blunders
50 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
3 inaccuracies
1 mistake
4 blunders
35 Average centipawn loss
  1. Chewbacca_Defense (1) Go Vinny!
  2. SaucySailorJackTar Go Vinny!
  3. UncleVinny (2.g3) tried to study this opening a bit.
  4. UncleVinny (6.Nc3) i guess this could leave me with the bishop pair and double isolated pawns
  5. UncleVinny (6.Nc3) probably not great
  6. UncleVinny (6.Nc3) Bd2 was better?
  7. Lupo_Jones Go Uncle!!
  8. UncleVinny (7.Bd2) good morning my fine friends, I hope you're well
  9. AACtrl howdy doo
  10. UncleVinny (9...Bc5) I guess 9. Bxc3 Bxc3 Ne4 would have been good for black too?
  11. cathode-ray-jepsen (10) Rivimies beat me last season, tough opponent
  12. cathode-ray-jepsen go Vinny
  13. Chewbacca_Defense (10) Yeah they beat me the one time we played, real tough
  14. UncleVinny (11.O-O) also briefly looked at e3 (blocks in DSB) and Rc1
  15. cathode-ray-jepsen Rc1 natural, e3 looks ugly with the fianchetto
  16. AlexGaul Whats the advantage of KIA over catalan
  17. AlexGaul Am not a believer of d3
  18. AlexGaul Inb4 this gets quoted on discord again
  19. cathode-ray-jepsen (11) lots of trades incoming
  20. cathode-ray-jepsen maybe going to be slightly better for White due to bishop vs knight with lots of pawns?
  21. cathode-ray-jepsen Black Queen is very active though
  22. cathode-ray-jepsen SF probably says 0.00
  23. gavalanche20 (16.Be3) Forza Vincenzo
  24. gavalanche20 (16...Qe4+) Is this Bd7-c6 schtick theory? Looks pretty cool actually
  25. UncleVinny (16...Qe4+) the good news about this is I don't have to worry about Qb2 now
  26. UncleVinny (20...Nf5) (20.Rd2) I was so torn between Rd2 and Rb2.
  27. UncleVinny (21...Rxd2) (21.Rfd1) Rd2 had more active outcomes, that's as much as I can say
  28. cathode-ray-jepsen (21) the question here is whether Bxd2 Rd8 comes to anything
  29. cathode-ray-jepsen King can just run to e1 before anything bad happens I think?
  30. UncleVinny (22.Bxd2) I don't know. But I think I can get away with this
  31. gavalanche20 (22.Bxd2) This feels a bit iffy
  32. gavalanche20 (22...Rd8) Does Black have Rd8 Ke1 Nd6?
  33. cathode-ray-jepsen Nd6 bishop somewhere
  34. cathode-ray-jepsen and the knight is pinned
  35. gavalanche20 (23.Kf1) Oh lol of course
  36. cathode-ray-jepsen White should be fine
  37. cathode-ray-jepsen unless Rd4 is a problem?
  38. gavalanche20 (24.Ke1) Rd4 c5 and then?
  39. AlexGaul (24.Ke1) then all pawns are on black squares
  40. AlexGaul (24.Ke1) which is not so good in the long run
  41. gavalanche20 (24.Ke1) Also true
  42. cathode-ray-jepsen (24) Bc3 and White is chillin
  43. cathode-ray-jepsen (29) real grind hours now
  44. cathode-ray-jepsen (34) loses a pawn
  45. cathode-ray-jepsen oh no, Bf2 Nd6+
  46. UncleVinny (41.Kd4) geez I almost didn't look at ...Nf6
  47. gavalanche20 (41...Nf6) Nf6 probably h6?
  48. gavalanche20 (43...Ng4) The h-pawn could become a bother though
  49. invinci7777 (43...Ng4) but bishop is good in thesee type of situations
  50. invinci7777 (44...h5) (44.Bg5) when play is on both sides of the board
  51. cathode-ray-jepsen (46) idk about b5
  52. cathode-ray-jepsen b6 kills both pawns
  53. invinci7777 (46...Ne5) but then a7 remains week forever
  54. cathode-ray-jepsen how to exploit it, though?
  55. invinci7777 (47.Bf4) find an opportunity to play Bb8
  56. cathode-ray-jepsen losing sight of h2 might not be so good
  57. cathode-ray-jepsen (47) Nd7 looks supicious
  58. invinci7777 (47...Nd7) i think bg3 now
  59. invinci7777 (47...Nd7) to prevent h4
  60. cathode-ray-jepsen yeah
  61. invinci7777 (48...h4) (48.a4) if h4 h3 happens then bishop will be more tied down
  62. invinci7777 (50.Bg3) (49...h3) now black is threatning nf6 to ng4
  63. invinci7777 (50.Bg3) i think nf6 is winning
  64. UncleVinny (50.Bg3) i guess I whould go get that h3 pawn now
  65. cathode-ray-jepsen (51) e5 to stop Nf6?
  66. invinci7777 (51...Nd7) yeah
  67. invinci7777 (52.Ke3) (51...Nd7) although knight probably will find another route
  68. invinci7777 (52.Ke3) i think black has all the time
  69. UncleVinny (58...Ke5) well i fucked the dog on that one
  70. UncleVinny (59...Kxe4) (59.Kg3) ah maybe it's ok, just a draw
  71. invinci7777 (59...Kxe4) its winning for black
  72. UncleVinny (59...Kxe4) who am I kidding. no way he doesn't get both of my pawns
  73. cathode-ray-jepsen (59) b6 here?
  74. invinci7777 (60...Kd4) (60.Kf2) wouldn't help
  75. UncleVinny (62...axb6) (62.b6) not realiy disappointing, i guess, compared to my recent crap games
  76. UncleVinny (62...axb6) hey wait...why did black take
  77. cathode-ray-jepsen woah, what?
  78. invinci7777 (63...Kxb6) still winning
  79. UncleVinny (63...Kxb6) i guess it's a win either way
  80. cathode-ray-jepsen yeah
  81. cathode-ray-jepsen making it harder than it needs to be, though
  82. invinci7777 (64.Kd3) yeah
  83. invinci7777 (66.Kb3) (65...Kb5) (65.Kc3) (64...Kc5) (64.Kd3) just flexing plawn endgame skills
  84. invinci7777 gg
  85. MrScribbles gg, tough game vinny
  86. UncleVinny way less shitty than my recent games, i guess
  87. cathode-ray-jepsen gg
  88. UncleVinny although...way less? probably just a little less
  89. cathode-ray-jepsen 60.b6 is still a win, but you have to play axb6
  90. AlexGaul hahaha whoever knows that Kg2 after h2 is draw
  91. AlexGaul but Kxh2 loses
  92. AlexGaul Is unreal good at endgames or has engine on