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1e4+0.2e5+0.42Nf3+0.3Nc6+0.23Nc3+0.2Nf6+0.24g3−0.1Nxe4+0.35Nxe4+0.3d5+0.26Nc3+0.3d4+0.47Nb1?!−0.4...Inaccuracy. Ne4 was best.7.Ne4f58.Neg5[...]7...e40.08d3??−1.8...Blunder. Nh4 was best.8.Nh4Qe79.f4[...]8...exf3−1.69Qxf3−1.4Be6?!−0.6Inaccuracy. Bb4+ was best.9...Bb4+10.Bd210Bg2−0.7Qd7−0.711O-O−0.8O-O-O−0.812a3−1.1Bg4−1.513Qf4−1.4Bd6??+0.5Blunder. h5 was best.13...h514.Nd2Bd6[...]14Qd2??−2.4...Blunder. Bxc6 was best.14.Bxc6bxc614...Rde8?!−1.5Inaccuracy. h5 was best.14...h515f3−1.1Bh3−0.916Bxh3−1.1Qxh3−0.817Qg2−0.8Qxg2+−0.818Kxg2−0.3Re2+−0.319Rf2−0.3Re1−0.420Nd2−0.4Rhe80.021Ne4?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. f4 was best.21.f4a522.Nf3[...]21...f5−0.622Nxd6+−0.7cxd6−0.623b3−0.9R8e2?!−0.3Inaccuracy. g6 was best.23...g624Bb2−0.3Rxa1−0.225Bxa1−0.3Re1−0.226Rf1−0.1Re2+−0.127Rf2−0.1Re1−0.228Rf1−0.1Re2+0.029Rf2−0.3
Threefold repetition • Draw
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2019.12.22"] [White "bufferunderrun"] [Black "jg777"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [UTCDate "2019.12.22"] [UTCTime "12:05:01"] [WhiteElo "2048"] [BlackElo "2112"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+2"] [BlackRatingDiff "-2"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "C47"] [Opening "Four Knights Game: Glek System"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. g3 { C47 Four Knights Game: Glek System } Nxe4 5. Nxe4 d5 6. Nc3 d4 7. Nb1?! { (0.38 → -0.42) Inaccuracy. Ne4 was best. } (7. Ne4 f5 8. Neg5 e4 9. Bc4 exf3 10. d3 Qe7+ 11. Kf1 h6) 7... e4 8. d3?? { (0.00 → -1.82) Blunder. Nh4 was best. } (8. Nh4 Qe7 9. f4 g5 10. fxg5 Ne5 11. Na3 h6 12. g6 fxg6) 8... exf3 9. Qxf3 Be6?! { (-1.41 → -0.61) Inaccuracy. Bb4+ was best. } (9... Bb4+ 10. Bd2) 10. Bg2 Qd7 11. O-O O-O-O 12. a3 Bg4 13. Qf4 Bd6?? { (-1.36 → 0.52) Blunder. h5 was best. } (13... h5 14. Nd2 Bd6 15. Qg5 h4 16. Nc4 Bh3 17. Qd5 Bxg2 18. Qxg2 f6 19. Bd2 hxg3 20. Nxd6+) 14. Qd2?? { (0.52 → -2.42) Blunder. Bxc6 was best. } (14. Bxc6 bxc6) 14... Rde8?! { (-2.42 → -1.53) Inaccuracy. h5 was best. } (14... h5) 15. f3 Bh3 16. Bxh3 Qxh3 17. Qg2 Qxg2+ 18. Kxg2 Re2+ 19. Rf2 Re1 20. Nd2 Rhe8 21. Ne4?! { (0.00 → -0.69) Inaccuracy. f4 was best. } (21. f4 a5 22. Nf3 R1e7 23. Bd2 Kd7 24. Rff1 Re2+ 25. Rf2) 21... f5 22. Nxd6+ cxd6 23. b3 R8e2?! { (-0.86 → -0.30) Inaccuracy. g6 was best. } (23... g6) 24. Bb2 Rxa1 25. Bxa1 Re1 26. Rf1 Re2+ 27. Rf2 Re1 28. Rf1 Re2+ 29. Rf2 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
2 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
2 blunders
29 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
3 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
1 blunder
25 Average centipawn loss
  1. bufferunderrun so the easiest thing to do would be to give the piece back at the right moment
  2. bufferunderrun alternative is to go with a rather sharp line after Nh4-g2
  3. jg777 I thought Andrei would play Nb3 and then get his pieces out/exchanged.
  4. jg777 Maybe Bh3 offed an easy way out, but Bf5 felt weird to me.
  5. jg777 Oh looks like Bd6 was awful, well that’s brilliant.
  6. jg777 I guess next time I should remember to push Harry down the board.
  7. jg777 Ok well I got a few things to learn from this game, thanks for the fun but I’m at the airport and family has arrived- merry Christmas Andrei
  8. bufferunderrun hmm... is d3 really that bad? idk, it keeps popping up in my head, like as a good move. Maybe not in this position...
  9. bufferunderrun Still can't figure out where I could have played it. Hmmm... maybe it's a false memory.
  10. bufferunderrun I guess I can just play Bg2 instead of Ng1.
  11. bufferunderrun Need to look this up apparently. Well, thanks for the game and merry Christmas!
  12. bufferunderrun I mean Nb1, not Ng1