+0.3SF 16 · 7MBNNUE
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1d4+0.3f5+0.62c4+0.4Nf6+0.63Nc3+0.3d6+0.64Nf3+0.4g6+0.25Qc2+0.2Bg7+0.56e4?!−0.2...Inaccuracy. Bg5 was best.6.Bg5h67.Bxf6[...]6...fxe40.07Nxe4−0.2Nxe4−0.18Qxe4−0.1Nc6−0.29a3?!−0.9...Inaccuracy. Bd3 was best.9.Bd3d510.Qe3[...]9...O-O−1.010Bd3?!−2.0...Inaccuracy. Bg5 was best.10.Bg5Qe810...Rxf3??+0.6Blunder. Bf5 was best.10...Bf511Qxf3+0.8Nxd4+0.712Qd1+0.7b6+0.613Be4+0.5Rb8+0.514Be3+0.4Nf5?!+1.0Inaccuracy. c5 was best.14...c515.h415Bxf5?!+0.3...Inaccuracy. Rb1 was best.15.Rb1c516.O-O[...]15...Bxf5+0.616Bd4+0.4e5+0.417Bc3+0.4Qh4+0.718Qe2?!+0.1...Inaccuracy. Qd5+ was best.18.Qd5+Kh818...Rf8?!+0.7Inaccuracy. Be6 was best.18...Be619.b3b5[...]19O-O+0.6Be6+0.620b3+0.4Rf5?!+1.0Inaccuracy. g5 was best.20...g521.a421Qe3?!0.0...Inaccuracy. g3 was best.21.g321...Bh60.022Qg30.0Qf6+0.523Rad1+0.4Bf4+0.6
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.05.29"] [White "CubesAndPi"] [Black "TaielChess"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "VA3nMvn0"] [UTCDate "2020.05.29"] [UTCTime "02:01:36"] [WhiteElo "1903"] [BlackElo "1879"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-13"] [BlackRatingDiff "+8"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A85"] [Opening "Dutch Defense: Queen's Knight Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 f5 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 { A85 Dutch Defense: Queen's Knight Variation } d6 4. Nf3 g6 5. Qc2 Bg7 6. e4?! { (0.45 → -0.23) Inaccuracy. Bg5 was best. } (6. Bg5 h6 7. Bxf6 Bxf6 8. e3 O-O 9. Rd1 Nc6 10. Be2 Bd7) 6... fxe4 7. Nxe4 Nxe4 8. Qxe4 Nc6 9. a3?! { (-0.23 → -0.87) Inaccuracy. Bd3 was best. } (9. Bd3 d5 10. Qe3 Nxd4 11. O-O dxc4 12. Bxc4 Rf8 13. Nxd4 Qxd4 14. Re1 Qxe3 15. Bxe3 Bxb2) 9... O-O 10. Bd3?! { (-1.04 → -1.96) Inaccuracy. Bg5 was best. } (10. Bg5 Qe8) 10... Rxf3?? { (-1.96 → 0.63) Blunder. Bf5 was best. } (10... Bf5) 11. Qxf3 Nxd4 12. Qd1 b6 13. Be4 Rb8 14. Be3 Nf5?! { (0.40 → 1.03) Inaccuracy. c5 was best. } (14... c5 15. h4) 15. Bxf5?! { (1.03 → 0.25) Inaccuracy. Rb1 was best. } (15. Rb1 c5 16. O-O Be6 17. Bd5 Qd7 18. Bxe6+ Qxe6 19. Qd5 Qxd5 20. cxd5 h5 21. Rfe1 Re8) 15... Bxf5 16. Bd4 e5 17. Bc3 Qh4 18. Qe2?! { (0.68 → 0.13) Inaccuracy. Qd5+ was best. } (18. Qd5+ Kh8) 18... Rf8?! { (0.13 → 0.68) Inaccuracy. Be6 was best. } (18... Be6 19. b3 b5 20. cxb5 Bxb3 21. O-O Bc4 22. Qd1 Bxf1 23. Qd5+ Kh8 24. Rxf1 Qa4 25. Qc6) 19. O-O Be6 20. b3 Rf5?! { (0.39 → 0.96) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (20... g5 21. a4) 21. Qe3?! { (0.96 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. g3 was best. } (21. g3) 21... Bh6 22. Qg3 Qf6 23. Rad1 Bf4 { White resigns. } 0-1
6 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
27 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
3 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
1 Blunder
31 Average centipawn loss
  1. ScribblesInTheDark Go Taiel!
  2. TaielChess 1...f5 terrible! betraying myself
  3. ScribblesInTheDark It's the only correct response to d4
  4. TaielChess I don't like the stonewall, I'm going to play on the diagonals, Qe8 e5
  5. TaielChess
  6. TaielChess 6.e4? seems so wrong, I can gain a lot of development
  7. TaielChess I was thinking of Bf5 but Nc6 seems very good
  8. TaielChess 9.a3 as expected Nb4 seemed annoying
  9. TaielChess my terrible instinct is screaming 10...Rxf3
  10. ScribblesInTheDark I have no clue if that's good but I like it.
  11. quirked what is happening
  12. mcastellani18 White is definitely better but blacks LSB could become very annoying
  13. mcastellani18 reroute to c6 maybe
  14. sillychina Honestly, I would take black in this position
  15. MrScribbles (22.Qg3) why?
  16. MrScribbles I don't necessarily disagree though
  17. MrScribbles I'm having a hard time telling who is better
  18. mcastellani18 wants to trade queens
  19. mcastellani18 this is very sketchy for white
  20. MrScribbles What's sketchy about it? Please educate me
  21. mcastellani18 black has 4 pieces aiming at the king
  22. mcastellani18 white's only defender is the queen
  23. sillychina Black has all the initiative, space and white has no plan
  24. mcastellani18 i was more worried about Qh5 with the threat of Bf4
  25. MrScribbles 22 Depending on White's 23rd move, Rg5 and Bh3 look annoying
  26. MrScribbles Yeah that too
  27. mcastellani18 Agreed, theres too much pressure
  28. MrScribbles Yeah, you're starting to convince me :)
  29. MrScribbles Especially with Black's 28min and White starting to flirt with time pressure at 11min
  30. MrScribbles (22)
  31. mcastellani18 I can't even find a move for white, he's my teammate so i'm looking for some hope but yikes
  32. MrScribbles I love these late night chess games.
  33. MrScribbles I'm selfish, I play on weekend afternoons so that more people watch my games.
  34. TaielChess this is my first time playing the dutch in a serious game, still not why did I play it
  35. MrScribbles 23...Rg5 seems like the obvious move, dunno if it's good or not.
  36. MrScribbles OK let's see.
  37. MrScribbles 23...Rg5 then what does White do? 24.Qe3 seems like the only halfway decent move. Qf3 or Qd3 are met with ...e4, deflecting from ...
  38. MrScribbles ...the defense of the King... hmm
  39. MrScribbles Oh no
  40. MrScribbles lol Qf3 threatens the Black Queen
  41. MrScribbles WAIT no it doesn't
  42. MrScribbles Qf3 falls to ...Qxf3+ 0-1
  43. MrScribbles Hmm ok then 23
  44. MrScribbles Taiel is a dangerous dave here
  45. mcastellani18 Bf4 was a mistake
  46. MrScribbles I'm pretty sure 23...Rg5 was crushing, no?
  47. mcastellani18 Rg5 was much better
  48. MrScribbles yeah
  49. MrScribbles Is Bf4 good too, do you think?
  50. MrScribbles Where does White go?
  51. mcastellani18 I don't like it personally
  52. mcastellani18 Qd3
  53. MrScribbles 24.Qh3 seems like it has to be bad.
  54. MrScribbles 24.Qd3 e4
  55. mcastellani18 after e4 take on f6
  56. MrScribbles Oh lol
  57. MrScribbles This is why I'm patzer trash
  58. mcastellani18 no way
  59. MrScribbles Oh shit
  60. mcastellani18 white was better
  61. MrScribbles To the analysis board!
  62. TaielChess early resignation maybe?
  63. MrScribbles Maybe white, like me, didn't see that ...e5 loses
  64. MrScribbles Well
  65. mcastellani18 white was +1
  66. MrScribbles doesn't loseI guess, probably a queen trade
  67. MrScribbles Wow, I was expecting some wild eval swings here.
  68. MrScribbles I'm gonna let SF think about Black's 23rd move for a while
  69. mcastellani18 there's no follow up to Bf4 as crazy as that seems
  70. mcastellani18 g3 holds the position after any move really
  71. TaielChess I was so tempted about Rf3 that I missed Bf5 Bg4
  72. TaielChess that's why Im not a good player yet
  73. rselwyn Why does Qd3 not work?
  74. MrScribbles Wow, SF wants 23...a5 lol
  75. MrScribbles I would never consider than in a million billion years.
  76. mcastellani18 that's stockfish seeing that there's no successful attack so it wants to blockade on the queenside
  77. TaielChess about 18.Qd5 Kh8 Qc6 I was thinking Bd3 and see no defense
  78. mcastellani18 thats a crazy eval though I would have never guessed that
  79. MrScribbles Stockfish, you silly boi.
  80. mcastellani18 Bd3 is very nice
  81. mcastellani18 trapping the king in the center, what a game
  82. TaielChess I knew that after Rxf3 at least I have some compensation, I only followed my style but
  83. TaielChess I shouldnhave stopped and considered Bf5 and Bg4 and I would have been much better
  84. mcastellani18 I am curious Taiel did you think you were completely winning near the end? It sure felt like you were but i couldn't find anything concrete
  85. TaielChess No, I thought I was putting a lot of pressure but maybe it wasnt enough, I was thinking in Bxh2 but doesnt work
  86. TaielChess Bf4 Qd3 Rh5 g3 but that doesnt work due to Qd5
  87. mcastellani18 Cubes said in our team chat he resigned because he hallucinated Bxh2 working thats funny you mentioned that
  88. TaielChess it doesnt work as white can play f3 and scape the other side lol
  89. TaielChess I was also playing against the time pressure, my opp position was complicated and they were burning a LOT ofntime
  90. mcastellani18 that was a crazy position, even though it objectively wasn't best I thought your Rxf3 was interesting
  91. mcastellani18 it made the position very messy and honestly easier for you to play. You had all the initiative from then on
  92. TaielChess Im happy but at the same time Im not
  93. TaielChess Rxf3 its interesting but Bf5 Bg4 was really punishing Bd3 by White
  94. TaielChess but I guess im more like the exciting player sometimes, I went blind by Rxf3 and didn't even consider Bf5 Bg4
  95. mcastellani18 Bf5 Bg4 is a hard sequence to find honestly
  96. mcastellani18 I guess that nets a clean pawn
  97. TaielChess Qh4 was too ambitous maybe
  98. TaielChess well, see you all take care