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1e40.0e5+0.12Nf3+0.2Nf6+0.53Nc3+0.1Nc6+0.14d40.0exd4+0.25Nxd4+0.1Bb4+0.16Nxc6+0.1bxc6+0.17Bd3+0.1d5+0.28exd5+0.1Bg4??+2.1Blunder. O-O was best.8...O-O9.O-Ocxd5[...]9f3+2.4Bh5+2.510Qe2++2.8Kf8+2.611Bd2+2.1Qd6+2.312O-O?!+1.2...Inaccuracy. O-O-O was best.12.O-O-O12...Re8+1.313Qd1+1.2cxd5+1.314Be1?!+0.5...Inaccuracy. Kh1 was best.14.Kh114...Bg6+0.515Ne20.0Bxe10.016Rxe10.0Qb6+−0.117Kh1−0.4Qxb2−0.318a4−0.2Qb4+0.219c3?−1.0...Mistake. Bb5 was best.19.Bb5Re720.c4[...]19...Qd6−1.120Rb1?!−1.8...Inaccuracy. a5 was best.20.a5Bxd321.Qxd3[...]20...Nd7?−0.4Mistake. c5 was best.20...c521.c4Re3[...]21Qd2−0.5Nc5?!+0.1Inaccuracy. Bxd3 was best.21...Bxd322.Qxd3g6[...]22Bc2?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. Nd4 was best.22.Nd4Ra823.Bf5[...]22...Bxc2−0.223Qxc2−0.5Ne6−0.224Qb2−0.4Ke7?!+0.6Inaccuracy. c5 was best.24...c525.f4g6[...]25Qb7?−0.8...Mistake. Nd4 was best.25.Nd425...Ra8?!−0.2Inaccuracy. Kf6 was best.25...Kf626Nd4?!−1.0...Inaccuracy. Rbd1 was best.26.Rbd1Rhd827.Qb1[...]26...Kd7??+1.1Blunder. Kf6 was best.26...Kf627Qb5++1.1c6+1.128Qa5?−0.2...Mistake. Qd3 was best.28.Qd3Rhb828...Nxd4??+8.0Blunder. Qc7 was best.28...Qc729.Qa6Rab8[...]29Rb7++8.1Kc8+7.730Qa6+8.3Kd8+8.231cxd4+7.7Re8+8.432Qa5++8.0Kc8+8.333Rc7++8.9Qxc7+8.434Rxe8++8.6Kb7+9.335Qxc7++8.6Kxc7+9.236Rxa8+8.7Kb6+9.037Rb8++8.0Ka5+7.938Kg1+7.9Kxa4+7.839Kf1+8.4a5+8.640Ke2+8.7Ka3+8.741Ke3+8.4a4+10.442Kf4+9.3f6+10.143Kf5+12.3Ka2+12.844Ke6+13.0a3?!#18Checkmate is now unavoidable. Ka1 was best.44...Ka145.Kd6g5[...]45Kd6+24.5Ka1?!#12Checkmate is now unavoidable. g5 was best.45...g546.Kxc646Kxc6#11f5#947Kxd5#8g5#848Kc6#7g4#749fxg4#7fxg4#750d5#6h5#651d6#5h4#452d7#3g3#353d8=Q#2gxh2#254Qd1+#1Ka2#155Qb1#
Checkmate • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.10.13"] [White "Moccy"] [Black "Lou-E"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2022.10.13"] [UTCTime "17:00:19"] [WhiteElo "1891"] [BlackElo "1884"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+19"] [BlackRatingDiff "-11"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "C47"] [Opening "Four Knights Game: Scotch Variation Accepted"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. d4 exd4 { C47 Four Knights Game: Scotch Variation Accepted } 5. Nxd4 Bb4 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d5 8. exd5 Bg4?? { (0.13 → 2.11) Blunder. O-O was best. } (8... O-O 9. O-O cxd5 10. h3 Re8 11. Qf3 h6 12. Bf4 c6 13. Rfe1 Rxe1+ 14. Rxe1 a5 15. a3) 9. f3 Bh5 10. Qe2+ Kf8 11. Bd2 Qd6 12. O-O?! { (2.28 → 1.24) Inaccuracy. O-O-O was best. } (12. O-O-O) 12... Re8 13. Qd1 cxd5 14. Be1?! { (1.30 → 0.47) Inaccuracy. Kh1 was best. } (14. Kh1) 14... Bg6 15. Ne2 Bxe1 16. Rxe1 Qb6+ 17. Kh1 Qxb2 18. a4 Qb4 19. c3? { (0.22 → -1.00) Mistake. Bb5 was best. } (19. Bb5 Re7 20. c4 h5 21. cxd5 h4 22. Qd4 Qxd4 23. Nxd4 Rxe1+ 24. Rxe1 Rh5 25. d6 cxd6) 19... Qd6 20. Rb1?! { (-1.08 → -1.79) Inaccuracy. a5 was best. } (20. a5 Bxd3 21. Qxd3 g6 22. Qd4 c5 23. Qf4 Re6 24. Qh6+ Ke7 25. Ng1 Rb8 26. Nh3 Kd7) 20... Nd7? { (-1.79 → -0.44) Mistake. c5 was best. } (20... c5 21. c4 Re3 22. Rb3 Bxd3 23. Rxd3 Rxd3 24. Qxd3 d4 25. Qd2 h6 26. Qf4 Ne8 27. Qg4) 21. Qd2 Nc5?! { (-0.51 → 0.13) Inaccuracy. Bxd3 was best. } (21... Bxd3 22. Qxd3 g6 23. c4 Nf6 24. cxd5 Qxd5 25. Qc3 Kg7 26. Rbd1 Qa2 27. Ra1 Qe6 28. Ng3) 22. Bc2?! { (0.13 → -0.55) Inaccuracy. Nd4 was best. } (22. Nd4 Ra8 23. Bf5 a6 24. a5 h6 25. Qe3 Kg8 26. h4 Kh7 27. Qe7 Bxf5 28. Nxf5 Qxe7) 22... Bxc2 23. Qxc2 Ne6 24. Qb2 Ke7?! { (-0.37 → 0.58) Inaccuracy. c5 was best. } (24... c5 25. f4 g6 26. f5 Ng7 27. Ng3 Rxe1+ 28. Rxe1 Nxf5 29. Nxf5 gxf5 30. Qc2 f4 31. Qf5) 25. Qb7? { (0.58 → -0.76) Mistake. Nd4 was best. } (25. Nd4) 25... Ra8?! { (-0.76 → -0.16) Inaccuracy. Kf6 was best. } (25... Kf6) 26. Nd4?! { (-0.16 → -0.96) Inaccuracy. Rbd1 was best. } (26. Rbd1 Rhd8 27. Qb1 Rab8 28. Qf5 g6 29. Qh3 Kf6 30. Qh6 Qf8 31. Qxh7 Qc5 32. Qh4+ Kg7) 26... Kd7?? { (-0.96 → 1.06) Blunder. Kf6 was best. } (26... Kf6) 27. Qb5+ c6 28. Qa5? { (1.05 → -0.16) Mistake. Qd3 was best. } (28. Qd3 Rhb8) 28... Nxd4?? { (-0.16 → 8.02) Blunder. Qc7 was best. } (28... Qc7 29. Qa6 Rab8 30. Nxe6 fxe6 31. Rbd1 Rhe8 32. Qd3 g6 33. c4 Qd6 34. Qe3 c5 35. Qh6) 29. Rb7+ Kc8 30. Qa6 Kd8 31. cxd4 Re8 32. Qa5+ Kc8 33. Rc7+ Qxc7 34. Rxe8+ Kb7 35. Qxc7+ Kxc7 36. Rxa8 Kb6 37. Rb8+ Ka5 38. Kg1 Kxa4 39. Kf1 a5 40. Ke2 Ka3 41. Ke3 a4 42. Kf4 f6 43. Kf5 Ka2 44. Ke6 a3?! { (13.00 → Mate in 18) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Ka1 was best. } (44... Ka1 45. Kd6 g5 46. Kxc6 g4 47. Kxd5 f5 48. Ke5 Ka2 49. d5 f4 50. d6 Ka3 51. fxg4) 45. Kd6 Ka1?! { (24.46 → Mate in 12) Checkmate is now unavoidable. g5 was best. } (45... g5 46. Kxc6) 46. Kxc6 f5 47. Kxd5 g5 48. Kc6 g4 49. fxg4 fxg4 50. d5 h5 51. d6 h4 52. d7 g3 53. d8=Q gxh2 54. Qd1+ Ka2 55. Qb1# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0
5 inaccuracies
3 mistakes
0 blunders
27 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
5 inaccuracies
1 mistake
3 blunders
43 Average centipawn loss
  1. Lou-E Hello to any teammates and specs, good luck to my opponent, let's gooooo!
  2. Lou-E I had hoped to be able to spend at least an hour prepping the line Moccy and I played last season
  3. Lou-E But unfortunately I had to stay an hour late at work, so I haven't prepped this at all
  4. Lou-E Seems like Moccy may have done tho, so I need to be careful
  5. Lou-E I really can't remember if it's O-O or d5 here
  6. Lou-E Maybe I should just go 7...Bxc3 and try something original
  7. Ivory12 (7.Bd3) go moccy! gl lou-e
  8. Moccy (7.Bd3) Let's see when this game deviates from our last one :)
  9. Moccy (7.Bd3) Hi Ivory!
  10. glbert go lou-e!
  11. Lou-E Blame the guys who made JS Prettier for my lack of opening prep here
  12. Lou-E Ok I'm assuming this is prep too. It's not the main line for sure
  13. Lou-E Either that or I should have castled before d5
  14. Moccy (10.Qe2+) Not sure if Bg4 maybe was a little too early for Black here.
  15. Lou-E 10...Kd7???
  16. Lou-E Hmm no, Bf5+
  17. Moccy (10...Kf8) Wow, what is this?
  18. Moccy (11...Qd6) This time, I'd like to keep my pawn structure intact. This feels easier to play than having a temporary extra pawn.
  19. Gingersquirrelnuts (11...Qd6) Go Moccy! x
  20. Chewbacca_Defense Go moccy!
  21. Lou-E (12) Things could get interesting from here
  22. Lou-E My opponent is really going into the tank here huh
  23. Lou-E (14. Be1) Intriguing...what's this all about then
  24. Lou-E Bg3 is the idea?
  25. Moccy (14.Be1) I want to be able to play Bf2 in case of check
  26. Moccy (14.Be1) quite hard decision, though
  27. Lou-E I see two options off the top of my head. Bxc3 Bxc3 d4, or Bg6 Bg3 Qc5+
  28. Moccy (14.Be1) I also thought about Re1, Ne2, and a3
  29. Lou-E Better to try to exchange off White's active bishop, I reckon
  30. Moccy (15.Ne2) I will definitely not take on g6 :)
  31. Moccy (15.Ne2) Let Black themselve sort out how to get the Rh8 into the game
  32. Lou-E Oh maybe the idea behind Be1 is that if Qg6 then Bf2
  33. Lou-E On the one hand their e1 bishop is terrible, on the other hand I think I can win a pawn here if I exchange it
  34. Lou-E I like pawns
  35. Moccy (16...Qb6+) Hm, I missed this move...
  36. Moccy (18.a4) This is really frustrating, not sure how I can get compensation for the pawn. Have to take advantage of the bad Rh8, I guess
  37. Moccy (18.a4) so play as actively as possible
  38. Lou-E (19) My opponent is disappointingly not taking the bait on my LSB. I'd love to open up that h-file
  39. Lou-E May have to just do it myself soon
  40. Qudit Go Moccy!
  41. Moccy (21.Qd2) This doesn't look good. Black's B is more anoying than I had expected.
  42. Moccy (22.Bc2) Why haven't I played Rad1 before? Would be handy now -.-
  43. Lou-E Is 22...Re5 too loose?
  44. Lou-E Yeah probably doesn't achieve much. Not enough of an attack on the kingside and takes me two tempi to get my king out from behind it
  45. Lou-E But maybe this and then Re6 is possible
  46. gavalanche20 Gl LouE
  47. Lou-E Hmm I don't trust it
  48. Lou-E h5 then?
  49. gavalanche20 Hmm I think Black needed to castle first before Bg4, you can sack c6 thrrr
  50. Lou-E Or maybe Qa6? Lots of moves, none of them particularly convincing
  51. gavalanche20 Seems okay ish still tho
  52. Lou-E Qg6...
  53. Moccy (23.Qxc2) By the way, I hate always having to watch out for backrank mates...
  54. Qudit g6 and then Kg7 IMO
  55. Lou-E Ne6...
  56. Lou-E Yeah maybe that, because if Rb7 then Qa6 I think
  57. Qudit Hey gav
  58. Lou-E And if Nd4 then c5
  59. gavalanche20 Yo
  60. Lou-E Hmm maybe that wasn't so good. Tricky to evaluate moves here
  61. Lou-E I think Nd4 might potentially be quite strong for White now
  62. Lou-E If I let them get too active, my ropey king might become a factor
  63. Asturc0n Go Mo!
  64. Moccy (24.Qb2) Get the queen more active and also avoid some g6 Kg7 ideas maybe
  65. Moccy (24.Qb2) and avoid any knight moves attacking my queen
  66. Moccy (24.Qb2) so maybe Nd4 etc. become feasible at some point
  67. Moccy (24.Qb2) I am not sure if I'm really much worse here, at least if I can keep the Rh8 is out of play
  68. Moccy (24.Qb2) Black's probably best off with e6 or so, I guess? removing all queen+rook ideas on b8
  69. Moccy (24.Qb2) I meant c6
  70. Lou-E Ehhh. Pretty unclear now I'd say
  71. Lou-E Gotta play faster now too. Please forgive the upcoming blunders
  72. Lou-E Ke7 was a weird move, wasn't it. Why did I play that?
  73. Lou-E Rhb8 threatened. But yeah this Nd4 looks like a move for sure
  74. Lou-E Rhb8 Nb5 mayhaps
  75. Moccy (26.Nd4) this seems to be a critical situation
  76. Moccy (26.Nd4) better spend some time calculating
  77. Lou-E Nf5+ would've been unpleasant
  78. Lou-E Nb5 looks pretty good here
  79. Moccy (28.Qa5) nooooooooo
  80. Moccy (28.Qa5) I wanted Qb7+
  81. Moccy (28.Qa5) What a mess
  82. Moccy (28.Qa5) But maybe it's not even so bad
  83. Lou-E Oh no!!!
  84. Lou-E Rb7 lol
  85. Lou-E Well, it was better than my other move, which was Qc7
  86. Lou-E Also looked at Nc5 which would have also been terrible
  87. Lou-E Maybe I'm just busted here tho
  88. Moccy (30...Kd8) hopefully, I haven't miscalculated this
  89. Lou-E Do you think maybe Ne6 was a possibility there?
  90. Lou-E Oh nah that loses for sure
  91. Lou-E Rxa7 winning the rook
  92. Lou-E Oh god damn it
  93. Lou-E I need to stop blitzing
  94. Lou-E Qa5+ and shake hands
  95. Lou-E Unless...
  96. Lou-E I wonder if 33. Rc7+!! works
  97. Lou-E This is like a puzzle
  98. Lou-E Haha as if
  99. Lou-E Yeah the idea is QxR RxR and if Kd7 then Re7!
  100. Lou-E But what if Kb7 instead?
  101. Gingersquirrelnuts (33.Rc7+) This would be a great puzzle
  102. Moccy (33.Rc7+) I don't see a defense for Black tbh
  103. Moccy (33.Rc7+) maybe I miscalculated, but I double-checked
  104. Lou-E Ah yes
  105. Asturc0n Gg
  106. Moccy gg
  107. Moccy and thanks for the game!
  108. Moccy After all, tactics training paid out :)
  109. Lou-E Haha indeed
  110. Lou-E Was very puzzly for a while
  111. Lou-E Oh no, my candidate 28...Qc7 was working after all
  112. Moccy Any my misclick wasn't a blunder by chance :)
  113. Moccy *and
  114. Lou-E Which was that?
  115. Lou-E Ah, the move was O-O and not d5 in the opening
  116. Moccy The misclick was 28.Qa5
  117. Moccy wanted Qb7+ actually, but it obviously wasn't too serious of a blunder
  118. Lou-E Yeah I mean I immediately blundered after that so maybe Qa5 was a brilliancy
  119. Moccy I wouldn't dare to say so, but maybe it was an unintentional trap if that exists ;)
  120. Lou-E I wish I'd had some time to prep the opening
  121. Lou-E I wanted to play the same line but didn't have time to prep it
  122. Moccy I thought you might still know it from last time, but got move order wrong, right?
  123. Lou-E Yeah, should have been O-O not d5
  124. Lou-E I was worried about O-O e5 but Re8 gives Black an advantage there
  125. Moccy However, my plan was to deviate anyway. I didn't like f3 last time, wanted to play Ne2. But this all only works after castling
  126. Moccy Interestingly, the engine doesn't condemn my pawn "sacrifice"
  127. Lou-E Yeah I don't think it's that bad
  128. Lou-E My queen is kinda offside
  129. Lou-E I'm just greedy
  130. Moccy Right, I tried to play as actively as possible after that
  131. Lou-E Anyways, I'm off
  132. Lou-E Thanks for the game :)
  133. Moccy You too and best of luck for the rest of the season!